U.S. Sen. Katie Britt (R-Montgomery) blasted the Biden administration for its reaction to the "incredibly flimsy case with no merit" that led to former President Donald Trump's recent conviction.

A New York jury returned a guilty verdict on 34 felony counts against Trump on Thursday. Trump was found guilty of falsifying business records related to a non-disclosure agreement with porn star Stormy Daniels.

The verdict immediately drew the ire of Alabama lawmakers and officials, who blasted the decision as political persecution of a political candidate by the Biden administration.

During a Friday appearance on 93.1 "News & Views with Joey Clark," Britt expressed disappointment with the verdict and the Biden administration's subsequent reaction.

"I think, along with so many Alabamians, [I was] just incredibly disappointed," Britt said. "Disappointed that we clearly have a two-tier system of justice. Disappointed that we see the left using our judicial system as a political weapon. Political fights should be fought at the ballot box, and it will be, ultimately, on November 5, and that's when this will be decided because I believe the American people are sick of this."

Britt also blasted Biden for using the trial to vie for reelection after his campaign hosted a new conference featuring actor Robert De Niro outside the New York courtroom days before the verdict was announced.

"We see a case that was brought that, obviously, the FEC [Federal Election Commission] and DOJ chose to not bring [and] state prosecutors chose to not bring," Britt continued. "Statute of limitations that had been run. We see them attempting to undermine that with obviously what I believe was just an Incredibly flimsy case with no merit. And, unfortunately, we see the Biden administration taking a victory lap, what we knew they would do all along—standing outside of the courtoom and doing a campaign event. I think It's disgusting, it's despicable. This is what we expect from a third-world country, to go after political opponents, and we look down on that, and now it's happening right here in front of. Our eyes in the United States of America, and we have to say enough is enough."

Britt concluded by encouraging voters to get involved in the election process and vote in November's presidential election while cautioning citizens to avoid reacting angrily.

"First and foremost, obviously, I urge people to be peaceful and lawful," Britt said. "I understand how incredibly frustrating this is, but reaffirming that any kind of violence is unacceptable and it certainly undermines our cause. We have to use our voice and use it loud. We need people volunteering, donating, getting out and speaking truth to power, and we need to make sure that we are heard on November 5. And so I think we build those coalitions starting right now."

To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email craig.monger@1819news.com.

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