Even after he was arrested and accused of shoplifting from Walmart on 31 separate occasions, Huntsville City Councilman Devyn Keith still has some vocal loyal supporters, many of whom have taken to social media to voice their support. Some offered encouragement and prayer while others tried to claim Keith was the victim of "White Supremacy Culture."

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While Keith remains innocent unless and until proven guilty, even some of his loyal constituents agree the case doesn’t look good for him.

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Others offered encouragement for Keith and said to let the legal process play out before casting dispersions on either the police or the councilman.

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Keith issued a formal apology at Thursday night's council meeting but declined to comment directly on the shoplifting charges. While he previously admitted on Facebook that he had failed to pay for a $20 pair of headphones, he has yet to outright deny the allegations of theft.

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Keith has given no indication that he plans to resign, and he told the public he will still take their calls.

To connect with the author of this story, or to comment, email daniel.taylor@1819news.com.

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