This weekend, people in Alabama can see three straight nights of full moons. They are not technically all full, but because of conditions, they will appear full starting Sunday morning and ending Tuesday morning. The actual full moon is on early Monday morning.

If you enjoy moongazing or like to do things during the full moon's light, you are in luck. If you are in law enforcement or mental health and dread the activities during a full moon, you are in for an active weekend.

The first of the full-looking moons will be in the early morning this Sunday. The largest view of the moon is around 3:16 a.m. Central Standard Time (Alabama time). Viewing will be more difficult as the morning twilight begins around 6 a.m. with full sunrise around 7 a.m.

The same scenario occurs on Monday with the actual full moon at 3:16 a.m. CST. If you miss it, you get another chance to view a seemingly full moon early Tuesday morning.

Over the centuries, different groups have given other names to the different full moons for various reasons. The upcoming full moon has been called The Beaver Moon; the Moon before Yule; the Oak Moon; Kartik Purnima (the full Moon of the Hindu lunar month of Kartik); Karthika Deepam; Loy Krathong (Thailand); Bon Om Touk ("Boat Racing Festival"); Ill (or Il) Poya.

Hints for full moon watchers in Alabama:

·       Early Monday is best, depending on the cloud cover, but early Sunday and Tuesday are okay.

·       Go outside around 2:45 a.m. to adjust your eyes to the dark for best viewing. Watching later can be done but will not be as full and interfered with by the dawning sun, starting about 6 a.m.

·       Find a spot with low light interference and few trees and buildings.

·       Allow 30 minutes for your eyes to adjust to the dark.

·       You do not need any special equipment or precautions for this viewing.

Many Italians consider the full moon a romantic event.

“When the moon hits your eye like a big pizza pie, that’s amore’.” 

Jim Zeigler is former Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor. You can reach him for comments at

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