Club For Growth Foundation, the conservative advocacy organization dedicated to economic growth and limited government, recently released its 2022 Alabama economic scorecard.

The scorecard rates lawmakers based on their voting on economic growth issues.

The Foundation conducted a detailed look into each lawmaker's record on key legislation promoting growth in Alabama. The Foundation examined over 1,800 floor votes and, in the end, accessed 17 votes in both the Alabama Senate and House. Votes scored during the 2022 legislative session included support for school choice expansion and unemployment reforms and opposition to budget increases and tax credits.

Lawmakers are scored on a 0 to 100 scale. A score of 100 indicates the highest support for pro-growth policies.

Former State Rep. Andrew Sorrell (R-Muscle Shoals), now the State Auditor, scored as the highest-rated Republican at 63. State Sen. Sam Givhan (R-Huntsville) scored the highest in the Senate at 55.

Key Takeaways:

Alabama Senate.

·      Average Republican Score: 39% (Up from 27% in 2021).

·      Average Democrat Score: 34% (Up from 11% in 2021)

·      Highest-Rated Republican: Sam Givhan (SD-07) 55%

·      Highest Rated Democrat: Bobby Singleton (SD-24) 43%

·      Lowest-Rated Republican: Larry Stutts (SD-06) 28%

·      Lowest-Rated Democrat: Vivian Figures (SD-33) 16%

Alabama House of Representatives.

·      Average Republican Score: 46% (Up from 28% in 2021)

·      Average Democrat Score: 44% (Up from 12% in 2021)

·      Highest-Rated Republican: Andrew Sorrell (HD-03) 63%

·      Highest-Rated Democrat: Kelvin Lawrence (HD-69) 55%

·      Lowest-Rated Republican: Multiple Members 43%

·      Lowest-Rated Democrat: Thomas Jackson (HD-68) 35%

"By releasing state level scorecards, citizens are able to track where their members in the state legislature stand on free-market and limited government policies," said Club for Growth Foundation President David McIntosh. "While most Alabama legislators espouse conservative values, our scorecard reveals inconsistencies between rhetoric and behavior. Our aim is to help educate the people of Alabama, and Americans across the country, on the policies and principles that will lead to prosperity and economic growth while disclosing their legislators' record."

Full scorecards for the House and Senate can be found here.

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