George Wallace, Jr. is the namesake of one of the nation's best-known governors. George Jr. served as Alabama's State Treasurer and Public Service Commissioner. Now, he has released a book about his famous father that is an in-depth dive into the man and out of the myth.

"George Wallace: From Segregation to Salvation" recounts a life that annals Alabama politics and government from the end of World War II to the end of the 20th century. It was the era of "the greatest generation" and the era of two of Alabama's best-known governors, George and Lurleen Wallace.

The 338-page tome is available now from Barringer Publishing. It is published in hardback, paperback, Kindle and major retail bookstores.

The book has a subtitle: "He showed the courage of asking for forgiveness."

Can you imagine growing up in a family in which both your Dad and your Mom were governors of the state? 

George Jr. put it this way:

"…our experiences were unlike those of any other family in our nation's history. What we endured, we endured under the watchful eye of the public. These writings will reveal for the first time, from a family perspective, the real George Wallace, not the myth that has grown up around the legend."

In an interview on "The Jeff Poor Show" on December 6, Wallace Jr. said his purpose in writing the book about his father is "to chronicle the entire life, not just the segregation era."

"This is a story that ought to be told."

Wallace called his book "an introspective look – political and personal. It is an inspirational book."

The younger Wallace pointed out that his father "was born 104 years ago. It was a different era. He and the people of that time believed segregation was in the best interests of all. He never had hate for anyone. His life was a transition we all made. We were evolving as a people. So did he."

Wallace Jr. said his father was "the grandfather of the modern conservative movement," adding, "He had an impact on the national conversation."

"My Dad carried the attitude, philosophy and values of Alabama to a new audience. It was well received around the country," Wallace said.

He said his father was "charismatic in his delivery. People equated that with hatred for Black people, and it was not true."

Wallace Jr. related that his father said he was "wrong about segregation, but right about the federal government trying to control every aspect of our lives, from the cradle to the grave. That remains a problem now."

Governor George Wallace died in 1998 at age 79. George Wallace, Jr., now 72, says in the book that he is finished with his own career in Alabama politics. He has his beloved music, his writing, his wife Elizabeth, his family and a unique collection of life memories. Now, he is sharing those memories with all who will read his new book.

A book review will be posted at a later time on

Jim Zeigler is a former Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor. You can reach him for comments at

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