On Wednesday, Gov. Kay Ivey released a video message to honor the 80th anniversary of D-Day, paying tribute to the bravery and sacrifice of those who fought on June 6, 1944.

A poignant reminder of the valor and sacrifices of the Greatest Generation, Governor Ivey reflected on the courage of the servicemembers and honored the memory of those who never returned.

The governor shared a personal connection to this historic day, recounting her father, B.N. Ivey's landing at Normandy six days after the initial invasion.

 Ivey's message:

Today marks a solemn and significant day in our nation’s history – the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

On this day in 1944, thousands of brave men joined forces on the beaches of Normandy, in a powerful display of courage and commitment that changed the course of World War II.

Our servicemembers displayed the indomitable spirit of an entire generation determined to preserve freedom and democracy.

Along those brave souls was my father, B.N. Ivey. Six days after D-Day began, he landed at Normandy as part of the ongoing efforts to secure a foothold in Europe.

Ever so often, my father shared stories of the camaraderie and sacrifices that defined his days there.

He spoke of the resilience that he and his comrades shared, qualities that helped them overcome unimaginable challenges.

Today, as we remember the valor of those who fought, we also honor the memory of those who never returned.

Their legacy is our liberty, and their sacrifice is forever woven into the fabric of our history.

Thank you to all our veterans and active-duty service members. Your courage ensured our freedom.

God bless Alabama and these United States of America!

Jim' Zig' Zeigler's beat is the colorful and positive about Alabama. He writes about Alabama people, places, events, groups and prominent deaths. He is a former Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor. You can reach him for comments at ZeiglerElderCare@yahoo.com.

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