Rise to the Moment of Truth Saturday, February 22, 2025

Tag: D-DAY

Alabama political news d day Alabama News
Phil Williams: Day of Days

D-Day. The day they saved the world.

Alabama political news dday Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O’Connell: Marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day and wondering whether the current generation is capable of such greatness

The international commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion occurred in France on June 6.

Hillary Clinton Alabama News
Hillary Clinton compares sacrifices at D-Day to 'just voting' this November 5

Hillary Clinton compares voting this November to fighting at D-Day.

D day2 Alabama News
Ivey pays tribute to WWII veterans on 80th Anniversary of D-Day

Gov. Kay Ivey released a video tribute to those who served 80 years ago at D-Day.

Jordanbryant Alabama News
Future Auburn coaching legend Ralph ‘Shug’ Jordan survived D-Day, WWII 80 years ago

80 years ago, Selma's Ralph Shug Jordan was getting ready to launch onto the French coast for D-Day.

D-day Normandy Alabama News
Mobile family remembers father I.G. Reeves who served as a medic on D-Day

80 years since Allied troops landed on the French coast for the D-Day invasion. Alabama medica I.G. Reeves was there.

Jsuband Alabama News
Jax State band headed to France for ‘D-Day at 80 Years’ performance

The Jacksonville State University (JSU) Marching Southerners are embarking on another historic journey to perform for the 80th commemoration of D-Day in Normandy, France, on Thursday, June 6.

Boaz High School Marching Pirates Alabama News
From Sand Mountain to Normandy Beach: Boaz High School band to perform at 80th anniversary of D-Day

Boaz High School band headed for France to perform at the 80th anniversary of D-Day.

U.S. troops prepare to embark a landing craft, which will take them out to a larger ship lying off the coast, June 5, 1944, at a port in England. These soldiers are due to take part in the D-Day landings. Alabama News
D-Day film at Mobile Exploreum’s Dome Theater as 80th anniversary approaches  

A D-Day documentary, narrated by Tom Brokaw, will be playing at Mobile Exploreum's Dome Theater now through June 28.

George Hamilton by Will Blakely Alabama News
100-year-old WWII veteran lands in Birmingham after commemorating D-Day in France

A 100-year-old World War II veteran landed in Birmingham yesterday after making a trip to France on the 78th anniversary of D-Day.