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Rise to the Moment of Truth Friday, July 26, 2024

Posts by Jennifer Oliver O'Connell

Alabama political news amber rose Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: GOP religious votes need to get over themselves

Mainline Christians and traditional GOP voters complained that the convention fell away from Christian values and orthodoxy, particularly after the first night when RNC co-chairs, Michael Whatley and Lara Trump, chose to platform people who reflected a different type of voter.

Alabama political news tuskegee Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: The United States and Tuskegee — intertwined in foundational values

Apart from celebrating the 248th birthday of our nation’s founding, July 4 also marked the birthday of Alabama’s Tuskegee University.

National American Miss Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: The body positivity movement lost the point and people are losing their lives

Ten years ago, the body positivity movement was about crafting a fitness lifestyle that was not dictated by one’s body size or type.

Alabama political news dday Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O’Connell: Marking the 80th anniversary of D-Day and wondering whether the current generation is capable of such greatness

The international commemoration of the 80th Anniversary of the D-Day invasion occurred in France on June 6.

Shomari Figures, Caroleene Dobson Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O’Connell: A tale of two candidates in Alabama’s District 2

Alabama’s new District 2 is offering a choice this year between a D.C. insider and a political newcomer.

Hindu Prayer Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O’Connell: The National Day of Prayer is not about inclusiveness

I wish the National Day of Prayer Task Force had been tasked to manage the clown show within the State Capitol chambers, because this year the House of Representatives chose to begin their session with a Hindu Prayer.

Alabama political news AL abortion ad Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: Shouting for life during Abortion Recovery Awareness Month

The Democrats have glitzy ads and media buys telling lies about Alabama and its stance for life. It is up to Wahl, our elected officials, and others with a media presence to combat those lies and tout the resources and outreach done through the pro-life movement.

Child Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: The library wars — reading pornography out loud seems to be the way to win

Reading these works aloud at every possible opportunity and exposing the filth is the only way to make parents aware of the dangers, and to protect the children at whom they are targeted.

marilyn lands Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: The District 10 win doesn't mean what Democrats or Republicans think

The Alabama District 10 win of Democrat Marilyn Lands over Republican City Councilman Teddy Powell is way overblown. And it’s been intentional.

Alabama political news personhood Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: The concept of fetal personhood is gaining strength and stirring fear among abortionists

The real fight is restoring a culture that honors life. When you uphold life in one arena, it affects all the others.

Alabama political news IVF clinic Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O’Connell: Abortionists are using Alabama’s IVF case to promote their cause

Politicians and legacy media have reduced the decision to a slogan: “Alabama bans IVF.” This is patently dishonest.

Alabama political news beef Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: Alabama is saving lives by banning lab grown meat

Having moved away from a state that shoved synthetic meat and byproducts down the public’s throat at every possible opportunity, it is heartening that the Alabama Senate just voted 32-0 to ban lab grown meat.

Books Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O’Connell: Good riddance to bad rubbish

After much pressure from the community and state lawmakers, The Alabama Public Library Service (APLS) Board did the wise thing last Tuesday, unanimously voting to withdraw its membership in the American Library Association (ALA).

Maddow Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O’Connell: Trump’s censored Iowa speech proves that journalism is on life support

Do we need any more evidence that we have a failing legacy media complex? Not after last Monday’s caucuses in Iowa.

Nikki Haley Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: Trump should choose his VP wisely

The long knives have come out for former U.N. Ambassador and South Carolina Gov. Nikki Haley due to her recent surge in the polls.

Child abuse, child trafficking Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: Setting the captives free at Christmas

While we fill our weekend with holly jolly, coupling it with holy reverence, it’s important to remember why Christ came: to set the captives free.

Drag show Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O’Connell: 'Tis the season to share the truth with the LGBTQ community

When it comes to the LGBTQ community’s push to normalize drag queens, there is always an agenda afoot. Smaller Alabama communities should take note and prepare.

Library Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: Alabama libraries and the battle for the minds and hearts of our youth

Parents across Alabama are demanding that libraries change their policies to ensure books with sexualized content are unavailable to young children. This should not be difficult, but everyone from town mayors to library directors to city councils are pointing the finger and passing the buck.

bubba copeland Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: Bubba Copeland and the sin of envy

It seems Copeland never heard the mantra of Alcoholics Anonymous: You’re only as sick as your secrets.

Sylvia Swain FB Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: Sylvia Swayne, House District 55 and the Beto effect

Hendrix’s win over Swayne was not about gender, sexual orientation, or race, but about Alabama values.

AL Flag Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O'Connell: Restoring unity through the American flag

In the midst of the battering, which is often relentless and ongoing, we continue to stand. The flag solidifies our sovereignty, which is why trying to promote other flags alongside or above it is pompous and foolhardy.

Crosshair Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O’Connell: Why the Freedom From Religion Foundation has Alabama in its crosshairs

Make no mistake, FFRF has targeted Alabama and will not stop until they succeed in upending the practices of faith that many of us hold dear.

Baby Alabama News
Jennifer Oliver O’Connell: Alabama is holding the line on how to fight for life

I am immensely proud of my newly adopted state of Alabama for how it is holding the line on protecting the unborn and keeping the focus on creating a culture of life.