I fiercely believe that the future is bright for hybrid homeschool programs, otherwise known as microschools. This innovative and important new industry is growing rapidly, blending elements from public, private and homeschooling landscapes into something brand new.

However, like most leaders in this space, I am having a difficult time finding the right professionals to help run my new hybrid homeschool program nonprofit. We need a lawyer, a CPA and an insurance agent – professionals from every corner of the business world – to support our mission.

Talking to thousands of educational program founders just like me from across the country, it’s clear that Alabama isn’t the only state facing this crisis. All microschools are facing unique challenges when interviewing potential professionals. The traditional professionals serving schools or daycare centers don’t quite fit because our industry is an amalgamation of various educational models.

Alabama political news black homeschoolers birmingham Alabama News

(Hybrid homeschool leaders gathered at the Homeschool Summit put together by the Black Homeschoolers of Birmingham this July.)

Defining the Hybrid Homeschool Programs Movement

Through the eyes of the National Microschool Center, the hybrid homeschool program movement is a transformative approach to education combining the strengths of traditional public and private schools with the flexibility and personalization of homeschooling. The National Microschool Center, a leading voice in this space, emphasizes that hybrid homeschool programs offer a personalized, student-centered learning experience that adapts to the needs of each child. These programs provide a blend of in-person and online learning, fostering a supportive community while leveraging cutting-edge technology to enhance education.

But professionals we approach often can’t see this vision and generally back out of the call. Yet there is hope.

In the homeschooling world, there’s one woman who calls herself the "Homeschool CPA." She’s dedicated her life to serving this community, has written six books, and consults constantly. Despite trying to retire, she’s adored by many and remains a pillar of support.

The Need for Specialized Professionals

We need a similar level of dedication in the hybrid homeschool programs sector, with professionals like lawyers, CPAs and insurance agents coming together to pioneer this new industry. This is an opportunity of a lifetime for the right people, individuals who dream of leading an entire industry. They just need to know there’s an army of customers searching for them right now.

And I sure would like to see a group of Alabama corporations rise to this moment.

Hybrid homeschool programs are redefining education by creating learning environments that are adaptable, innovative and inclusive. They require professionals who understand the unique challenges and opportunities within this mixed educational model. With the right support, hybrid homeschool programs can continue to grow and thrive, providing exceptional educational experiences for students across the nation.

If you are the professional we are seeking, find the nearest hybrid homeschool program leader near you and serve them well. I promise, you'll be recommended near and far! Stand by for more updates, and let’s keep believing in the bright future of hybrid homeschool and microschooling programs. Together, we can make a difference.

Jennifer Wolverton is the Executive Director of MARS, the Microcollective for AI, Robotics, and the Sciences, the CEO of Log Cabin Schoolhouse and author of ALSchoolChoice on FB. To connect with the author of this story, email Jennifer@LogCabinSchoolhouse.com.

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