I stand before you today, not as a dreamer, but as a pragmatist. We must reclaim education funding through Educational Savings Accounts (ESAs) and prepare Alabama for new and exciting microschools, which are the small, flexible, high-quality education models of the future.

Alabamians are at a crossroads, a moment where we must reevaluate the path we tread in educating our children. It is time to reclaim our voices and demand a system that truly serves the diverse needs of our communities.

It is odd that we embrace diversity yet claim to desire one monotone education. If we cannot pivot to a system of many educational shapes, it is time to say, "Give me my money back! To not say it is to disown our diversity, our melting pot.

At the heart of every community lies the potential for something extraordinary: the microschool, a modern reincarnation of the cherished one-room schoolhouse of bygone days. Envision a community where parents, teachers, and students converge—a warm, inviting space right in your neighborhood, where the laughter of children mingles with the hum of curiosity. Picture miniature schools nestled in cozy homes or library spaces, where children pedal their bikes to partake in an education tailored to their individual strengths and interests.

According to Jamie Buckland, a prominent voice at the K-12 Policy Alliance, one must consider the giver-to-receiver ratio in a child's education. Buckland delves into the level of parent and teacher involvement in a child's daily learning experience in her insightful article, “Co-op, Hybrid, or Microschool – Which Is It?

In the traditional public or private school setting, this involvement ratio often leans heavily toward the teacher – nearly 0:1 – leaving minimal room for parental engagement. In contrast, a homeschool co-op involvement ratio is closer to 1:0, with a substantial parental contribution. Nestled between these educational models are the exciting prospects of hybrids and microschools. This, dear readers, is the thrilling frontier of education’s future. We are reawakening the vital role of parents in our children's education, offering diverse models that cater to every family structure.

To build this, I say, "Give me my money back!"

To transform this vision into reality, we must wholeheartedly embrace the potential of ESAs to empower parents and families financially. Imagine an autistic student's parent being able to access necessary services without the arduous process of seeking approval from a school principal. Envision an aspiring engineer acquiring a 3D printer, unlocking a decade of childhood creativity before stepping into the bustling world of adulthood. Picture a dedicated teacher, feeling disheartened, now finding the opportunity to establish a microschool just down the street, nurturing a small group of scholars while receiving the same compensation.

This shift allows for a more personalized approach, particularly beneficial for students with sensory sensitivities who may struggle in larger educational settings. Let’s reclaim these resources that rightfully belong to us, channeling them towards creating an educational environment mirroring the values and aspirations of our communities.

To afford this, I say, "Give me my money back!"

In the rich tapestry of America, where diverse perspectives and cherished values converge, education stands as a focal point of both unity and division. Our educational landscape is a kaleidoscope of contrasting ideologies, familial traditions, and individual mindsets. It is high time we celebrate this mosaic of diversity and advocate for a system that empowers parents to tailor their child's educational journey to align with their deeply held beliefs and aspirations.

Recognizing that a broadened horizon of knowledge is not just admirable but essential, we must address the implicit discrimination of a uniform, one-size-fits-all approach. Let us honor our American tapestry by respecting our neighbor's unique educational choices without the pressure to conform. We can treasure these differences without sacrificing individuality.

To unify, I say, “Give me my money back!

Let's not rely on distant authorities to shape our children's future. It is time to reclaim our agency, to stand up and demand a system that recognizes the strength of local communities that trusts the parents and educators who know their children best.

The parent cannot wait for the local civic league, the school board president cannot wait for the state legislator, and the state legislator cannot wait for the federal hand to give our children what they need. Mothers and fathers must act.

The time for change is now. We cannot afford to wait for infrastructure to catch up, just as we cannot rely on the promise of distant solutions. The urgency is palpable, calling us to action that we can no longer ignore.

It's important to understand that ESAs are not just about moving money from one school to another. With ESAs, microschools can be created by any parent or community member, offering unique and affordable educational options for all Alabamian children. These microschools can fit into existing spaces, and anyone can start one, ensuring that every child gets the tailored education they deserve.

Let us come together, hand in hand, to reclaim our right to shape the education of our children. Let us say with conviction, "Give me my money back!" Let us invest in microschools and ESAs, for they are the vehicles that will carry our children toward a brighter, more inclusive future.

Jennifer Wolverton is a wife, homeschool mom, STEM business owner, author of ALSchoolChoice on FB, Co-Leader of Eagle Forum Huntsville Action Group, and Parent Advocate and edupreneur with K-12 Policy Alliance living in Madison County. To connect with the author of this story, email Jennifer@LogCabinSchoolhouse.com.

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