One contributing factor to the breakdown of families, to crime, to drug use, to dropping out of school, to joblessness, to welfare, to teen pregnancy is the absence of a father in the home.

Can a single Mom also be a “Mister Mom?" Yes. Many have no choice and do a great job under difficult circumstances. But, make no mistake about it, dads matter.

Sociological studies show that a father’s presence contributes to better academic performance, makes the children more likely to graduate from college or vocational training and experience fulfilling romantical relationships. When a father is present, a child is less likely to exhibit anti-social behavior, experience depression, succumb to peer pressure in relation to drug use, become incarcerated or live in poverty.

In other words, fathers really matter.

Some ultra-feminists are trying to make Dads irrelevant. Supporters of American family values need to stand up against the "War on Dads" and support the important role and value of a Dad.

Blessed Father’s Day to all you Dads.  

— Jim Zeigler, A Dad

Jim ‘Zig’ Zeigler’s beat is the colorful and positive about Alabama. He writes about Alabama people, places, events, groups and prominent deaths. He is a former Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor. You can reach him for comments at

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