I am thankful that Evan Gershkovich and three other "Americans" are free from Russian imprisonment and in U.S. custody. Why do I put quotation marks around the word "Americans?" One of those released is merely a green card holder. Almost an American, but not quite. Glad we got him out.

But let's never lose sight of the fact that they should not have been in Russian prison this long – and maybe not at all.

On August 1, just before the U.S. elections, a deal is brokered by the previously weak Biden-Harris administration. How convenient.

Great fanfare is happening over the breakthrough, but that breakthrough was slow in coming.

American voters are smart enough to ask themselves the following questions:

Would these Americans have been arrested in the first place if we had a strong, bold administration in Washington?

Would it have taken 491 days to gain the release of journalist Gershkovich if we had a strong and respected administration?

And look at the timing of the announcement of the deal. Three months before the U.S. elections. Less than two months before the start of early voting in many states. Two weeks before the Democratic National Convention. 

At the time of writing, details of the deal are unclear, but it is being called "a massive swap of political prisoners." I am afraid we will discover that many actual Russian criminals were released in exchange for four "Americans" who possibly were wrongfully detained. Those released Russian criminals could do tremendous damage.

It is my hope and prayer that better deals will be brokered in the future.

Jim Zeigler is a voter registration consultant for Save Our U.S. House. He served as Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor.

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