The Left constantly plays the race card to shame Conservatives and silence our voices. As a result, this keeps us on the defense. We need to be on the offense all the time.

There is hope. Not only does the ministry of the Apostle Paul provide a blueprint for diversity engagement, as I pointed out in a previous editorial (The Apostle Paul, Diversity Outreach Specialist)Paul’s ministry also instructs us on how to overcome the negative perception of others. In other words, Apostle Paul’s ministry empowers Conservatives in how to trump the race card.

The Apostle Paul’s Transformation: One of the most striking facets of Paul’s life is that, before he became known as an unyielding champion of Christianity, he was well-known for his murderous persecution of Christians. Paul’s famous transformation is referred to as the “Road to Damascus". On his way to round up Christians as prisoners, Paul was stopped dead in his tracks.

Paul’s “Road to Damascus” experience completely changed his thinking and his belief. Instead of torturing Christians, Paul became a Christian himself and spent the rest of his life inspiring others to accept Christianity. There is no denying the fact that Apostle Paul was a dynamic force in the early growth of Christianity ─ he played a central role in spreading the gospel to the Gentiles (people of different ethnicities, non-Jews).

The Apostle Paul’s reputation as a blood-thirsty persecutor of Christians preceded him. That is why he said:

By now you have heard stories of how I harassed and persecuted Christians and did my best to systematically destroy God’s church. -Galatians 1:13 The Passion Translation

Many Gentiles absolutely trembled with fear at the mention of his name ─ viewing Paul with great suspicion and distrust. They were cautious of him, and understandably so, because they believed Paul was double-dealing and pretending to be a Christian evangelist, for the purpose of slaying more Christians.

I can only imagine the gossip among the Gentiles: Paul, that no-good liar. The nerve of him, claiming to be a Christian evangelist. He’s not fooling anybody. He’s trying to trick usHe’s hoping that we become Christians so he can kill us, too!

Trump the Race Card (pun intended): Most Conservatives are terrified of being labeled a racist, Uncle Tom, or sellout. Here’s an important question: To have a tremendous impact in the early growth of Christianity, how did the Apostle Paul overcome the negative perceptions the Gentiles had of him? In essence, how did Paul trump the race card?

In order for Paul to effectively carry the good news message to the Gentiles, he had to first create trust and credibility for himself before he could get the Gentiles to listen. Paul had to “win the narrative” and squash the Gentile’s negative mindsets viewing him as uncaring, cold-hearted, cruel and a racist. Do these words sound familiar? Conservatives find themselves facing similar challenges as those the Apostle Paul encountered.

To trump the race card, there are two things Conservatives must do:

1. Share Your Testimony:

There is no persuasive messaging technique that can surpass the power of one’s personal testimony. The Apostle Paul constantly shared his testimony. And, by sharing it, he was able to create trust and credibility for himself, thereby overcoming negative perceptions and “winning the narrative". Paul did more than just quote Jesus. He made it known how the teachings of Jesus transformed his life.

Conversely, to trump the race card, you must earnestly communicate how you have been inspired by Frederick Douglass, America’s greatest liberty messenger. You must convey how Douglass’ life and writings have made a difference in your thinking. I refer to this as making an “inspirational declaration”.

When asked about my political identity, I express that, “I hold Frederick Douglass in high-esteem and that I have been inspired by his life and writings. I’m more than a Conservative, I’m a Frederick Douglass Republican. I believe in Douglass’ life-empowering values, for example, (1) Respect for the Constitution; (2) Economic prosperity; (3) Free speech; (4) Personal responsibility; (5) Limited power of government; (6) Legal immigration; (7) Religious liberty, among others.”

2. Show Improvements:

The Apostle Paul showed by his actions, and not just his words, that he was a changed man. He established numerous churches throughout Europe and Asia Minor. He traveled to regions where no one had evangelized before. He healed people, cast out spirits, and brought someone back from the dead. Paul was aiding the very people that viewed him suspiciously. Those who saw and heard Paul knew he had been transformed because of his actions.

What you do is more important than what you say because the things you do show your true intentions and feelings. It’s not enough to just share your "inspirational declaration".  You must demonstrate your transformation. You must show that you have made a concerted effort to change. Your actions must reveal what you profess in your “inspirational declaration”. Without good deeds, your “inspirational declaration” is nothing and dead as a door-nail.

The Bible says that “faith without works is dead”. And, I might add, without showing improvements, your transformation will come across as a fake ─ your attempt at diversity outreach will fail.

A former member of President Trump’s Coalition Advisory Board, KCarl Smith is the President and CEO of KCarl Consulting Group, empowering freedom advocates with the confidence, knowledge and skills to trump the race card. His column appears every Thursday in 1819 News. To contact KCarl or request him for a speaking engagement go to views and opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of 1819 News. To comment, please send an email with your name and contact information to