Last Tuesday, I had the honor of speaking at an event in Gainesville, Ga., alongside retired General Michael T. Flynn. I’d like to share that speech with you. Typically, I don’t write out my talks – I prefer to speak from the heart and let the words come naturally. However, this topic is so significant that I felt it necessary to put my thoughts on paper. The comments below are adapted from that speech.


What I’m going to share with you is weighing heavily on my heart, and I believe it’s something we all need to hear. It’s about the future of our country, the values we hold dear, and how we can make a real difference in the conversations we’re having.

I know you’re here because you care deeply about the direction our nation is headed. If we’re going to preserve our values and our way of life, we need to address an issue that is often overlooked: how we communicate with black Americans and those who have fallen under the spell of leftist ideology, including our own families.

Let’s be frank: For decades, the left has controlled the narrative, especially when it comes to race and identity politics. They’ve convinced many black Americans that conservatives are actively hostile to them by equating conservatism with racism and by positioning themselves as the only people that care about minorities.

The Marxist ideology that’s permeating our schools, media and even some of our churches is dividing families, communities and the nation. They are selling a lie, particularly to young people – that racism in America is at its worst, capitalism is a tool of oppression, and the government must control every aspect of life to achieve fairness and equality.

This is a dangerous narrative that’s not just taking root in the black community, but among many white Americans as well, including your own children and grandchildren.

Here’s the truth: We haven’t done a good job of communicating our values to black Americans. Too often, we assume that simply being right is enough. But in today’s political climate, being right isn’t enough – you must win the narrative. The left has been winning on messaging, while conservatives are speaking to themselves in an echo chamber.

Many of you know what it’s like to build something from the ground up. You know the value of hard work, self-reliance and personal responsibility. These are not just conservative principles; they are American principles. But we haven’t effectively communicated these values in a way that resonates with black Americans or with those who’ve been influenced by Marxist ideals. We need to change that.

We need a strategy that speaks to the real values of the black community – faith, family, education and economic opportunity – and we need to be proactive in addressing the lies of Marxism.

That’s why I’m here to talk to you about the Frederick Douglass Republican™ Engagement Strategy. Douglass was America’s greatest liberty messenger, and his life and legacy offer the perfect blueprint for how we can communicate conservative values in a way that resonates with black Americans – and frankly, with anyone.

Douglass was born into slavery, but he didn’t let that define him. He understood that the key to success was through individual responsibility, personal freedom and hard work.

By framing our message through the lens of Douglass, we can break through the left’s narrative and show black Americans that conservatism is about opportunity, empowerment and freedom – not oppression.

Black Americans are the largest voting bloc that conservatives have consistently struggled to reach. The left knows this, and that’s why they pour millions into maintaining their narrative. But if we can break through that narrative, if we can engage black Americans by appealing to their values, we can change the political landscape.

It’s not just about black Americans. It’s about ensuring your children, your grandchildren, and the future of this nation don’t fall prey to the lies of Marxism.

The Frederick Douglass Republican Engagement Strategy™ isn’t just a gamechanger for one demographic – it’s a gamechanger for the entire country.

Let’s turn to another critical group – the people in your own life who have been indoctrinated by Marxist ideology. For many of you, this hits close to home. You have children, grandchildren, or friends who have bought into the false promises of socialism.

It’s hard to sit across the dinner table from someone who shares your bloodline but sees the world so differently. We can't afford to give up on them.

We must engage with them, not by arguing, but by showing them the real consequences of the ideas they’ve embraced. Marxism doesn’t lead to equality; it leads to control, to dependence, and ultimately, to the erosion of freedom.

We need to communicate that free markets and individual liberty are the very tools that have lifted more people out of poverty and oppression than any other system in history. This is where the Frederick Douglass Republican™ Engagement Strategy is particularly effective.

I know what some of you may be thinking: "Why should I care about this? Why should I focus on black Americans or people who’ve bought into Marxist ideas?" The answer is simple: If we don’t, we’re going to lose not just elections, but the very soul of our nation.

Here’s my ask: Use your prayers, your influence, your resources and your networks to help us spread and train millions of Americans in the Frederick Douglass Republican™ Engagement Strategy. We have a chance to change the direction of this country, but we can’t do it without your help.

Let’s not just talk about positive change – let’s make it happen.

To contact KCarl or request a speaking engagement, go to The views and opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of 1819 News. To comment, please send an email with your name and contact information to

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