The past two weeks have been a whirlwind of political insanity in the United States. I’ve found it difficult to write this article because circumstances seem to be changing faster than I edit my own work.

Nearly two weeks ago, former President Donald Trump survived an assassination attempt at a campaign rally in Pennsylvania. What should have been an energizing campaign stop turned into a nightmare. The former president was grazed, a few people were injured, and hero Corey Comperatore died shielding his wife and daughter from bullets. It was a disgraceful failure on the part of the Secret Service. After yesterday’s congressional hearing, my new hero is Rep. Nancy Mace (R-SC), who verbally scalded Secret Service Director Kimberly Cheatle while many of us cheered from our mobile devices.

Last Sunday, President Joe Biden ended his campaign to run for re-election. He tweeted the news and endorsed Vice President Kamala Harris for president. It just seems bizarre that he tweeted it rather than announce it this week, as he appears to be on the mend.

On Tuesday, we finally caught a glimpse of the president. For a week, we were left to assume he was either recovering from Covid or worse, possibly unaware his re-election efforts had ended. His week’s absence from the political spotlight was a bit odd. Personally, I’d still like him to hold up a copy of today’s newspaper and blink twice if he’s okay.

We are living in volatile and precarious times, and while it feels uncomfortable, it’s not new. History is filled with regime changes and political corruption. We in the United States have been fortunate for 248 years that our form of government has somewhat endured. But I’m concerned that may be changing.

The biblical book of Esther tells a story of similar political intrigue. Esther was Jewish, chosen to be the queen of the Persian King Ahasuerus because of her beauty. Hearing of a plot devised by the wicked Haman (a high-ranking official) to exterminate the Jews, Esther’s cousin Mordecai tells her to go before the king and plead for the Jewish people’s lives. Esther tells Mordecai that the king has not asked her to come see him, and if she goes without being requested, he may kill her.

Mordecai is a straight-shooter, so he lays it out for her in Esther 4:13-14:

‘Do not imagine that you are safe in the king’s palace, you alone of all the Jews. Even if you now remain silent, relief and deliverance will come to the Jews from another source; but you and your father’s house will perish. Who knows – perhaps it was for such a time as this that you became queen?’

I believe each of us in America is living in the times that God designated for us. If you’re a Christian, you know that God has set your days and not a hair falls from your head without his knowledge (Matthew 10:29-31).

We don’t get to choose the times we live in, but we can choose to live our lives during those times.

Now is a time for choosing.

Americans who believe in the republic we were given need to take a stand for it. How do we do that?

It may mean praying unceasingly for God’s mercy and grace toward our nation – that He would send revival, for His glory and our good.

It may mean volunteering and getting involved in your local political process or running for your local school board, city council or state legislature. Getting involved may include writing and expressing your First Amendment rights or working with your local political organization of choice.

Whether you like Trump or not, his strong admonition — after being SHOT — to “Fight! Fight! Fight!” was a bold call. We must fight for the republic our founding fathers delivered to us. We must fight for our God-given rights. We must exercise our right to vote and to make our voices heard.

During former President Barack Obama’s 2008 campaign, he promised to fundamentally transform America. One could argue that he’s been successful. We don’t know truly know who is running our country. Vice President Harris has all but secured the 2024 Democrat presidential nomination without being voted on by one delegate. A former president endured an assassination attempt last week because our Secret Service has a bunch of DEI hires. Inflation is at an all-time high, our borders are completely porous, and our urban cities have become kill-boxes.

And most shockingly, I find myself agreeing with that wacky, repeated quote by Vice President Harris – I want to be unburdened by what has been. At least what has been over the past four years.

I’ll say it again – now is the time for choosing. We must ask ourselves, where do we need to go from here? Or more seriously, how do we save the Republic?

It is no mistake. We were born for such a time as this.

We have 16 weeks.

Kristin Landers is a substitute teacher and freelance writer. Landers’ previous work includes serving as Communications Director for the Alabama Policy Institute and working for Citizens Against a Legalized Lottery (CALL) to defeat legalized gambling in the state of Alabama.

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