Former Public Service Commission candidate Robin Litaker endorsed Robert McCollum for PSC Place Two on Sunday. Litaker finished third in the Republican primary on May 24, behind McCollum and incumbent Commissioner Chip Beeker.

Beeker and McCollum are in the Republican primary runoff election on Tuesday.

“I have run for the Public Service Commission three times,” Litaker said. “You may ask why would someone run for an office that gets very little attention and is not very well understood?  Because I believe it is an office of unspoken importance. The decisions made by this Commission affect you, the citizens of Alabama, daily. These are the people who regulate, among other things, your utility bills. We presently have some of the highest rates in the nation. The current commission seems to care more for the companies they regulate than the people they are supposed to represent.

“Alabama is ranked as the fourth most corrupt state in the Union. I believe that the Public Service Commission is one of the reasons for this ranking...As a Republican, I know that government should be small, and taxes should be low. The current PSC does not operate this way.

“Because I know that change is the only course for a new beginning at the Public Service Commission, I am wholeheartedly endorsing Robert McCollum for Place 2 on the Public Service Commission. I have spoken with Robert on many occasions about his intentions for this office. Robert has the kind of energy, foresight and determination to make the right decisions for the people of Alabama. Please help our state move forward and give him your vote Tuesday.”

McCollum thanked Litaker for her endorsement.

"She is a good person who has fought hard to shed light on the problems at the PSC,'' McCollum said.

“I am opposed to the sun tax,” McCollum said of the fee that Alabama Power charges customers who have solar arrays. “We should do away with the requirement that customers pay Alabama Power whether or not you’re using their service.”

“The PSC should be more transparent. The PSC should share their minutes with major newsgroups. ... I think that there should be rate hearings.”

McCollum is challenging incumbent Chip Beeker in the Republican primary on Tuesday.

Polls open at 7 a.m. and close at 7 p.m.

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