Brandon and Hayley Bynum of Albertville have always wanted a child of their own. This Christmas, thanks to a blessed adoption, their dream came true.
The adoption went viral online after a special presentation from Marshall County District Judge Mitchell S. Floyd.
Floyd, who usually presides over criminal cases, was filling in for the probate judge. He said it was refreshing to preside in a courtroom where people were happy.
"I spend my professional life immersed in conflict, in misery, anger, in hatred and unfortunately, hopelessness and despair a lot of times," Floyd said. "That's not today. So, I don't know how to act."
Before signing adoption papers to grant the Bynums their baby boy, Sam, Floyd shocked the courtroom by presenting the family with a gift from Israel. Floyd gave them a smooth stone from the Valley of Elah, where David claimed victory over Goliath.

"Today, I would love to give y'all this," Floyd said. "So, before we started today, before I came in here, I prayed over you. I prayed for strength and wisdom and courage and discernment. I prayed for your family."
"I prayed for a hedge of protection that will be placed around you," he continued. "I prayed for his unseen hand to always be on you and I wish y'all the very, very best. So please accept this gift."
Hayley Bynum told 1819 News that the moment was one she would never forget.
"We had almost 100 people at our adoption hearing because we have touched so many people's lives and they've touched ours," Bynum said.
"It just worked out absolutely perfect," Bynum added. "So, I don't think that there could have been anyone more perfect for a judge. He prayed over the stone and gave it to us, and that the story itself touched me, but the fact that he prayed over the stone for us knowing nothing about our story, I mean, just got us even more emotional."
After 11 months of waiting to make Sam officially theirs, the gift was another reminder the adoption was all in God's plan.

"When the adoption day came and it was final, it was like we could actually breathe," Bynum said. "He wasn't going anywhere. He was our son legally. He's always been our son in our minds, but legally, he was not going anywhere and nobody can get him, so it was like a sigh of relief."
A year before, the Bynums learned of Sam's birth. He was in the NICU and was fighting for his life. The Bynums became Sam's guardian when the three-week-old infant was released from the hospital in December 2023.
Now, at one year old, Sam is healthy and happy. The family will treasure the smooth stone, which will serve as a reminder that God will guide them.
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