Rise to the Moment of Truth Monday, February 24, 2025


Bynum Adoption Alabama News
Marshall County Judge stuns courtroom with presentation of 'David and Goliath' stone during adoption hearing

Brandon and Hayley Bynum of Albertville have always wanted a child of their own. This Christmas, thanks to a blessed adoption, they have just that.

Alabama political news grandma Alabama News
Sean of the South: Grandma

No sooner had the old couple adopted the baby than Grandma began taking classes at a local community college to learn sign language. She brought the infant carrier into class with her. She fed her daughter during school hours.

Kids to Love Alabama News
'We have seen ugly in a new form': Kids to Love finds ways to place foster children despite DHR freeze

 The Alabama Department of Human Resources still has foster care non-profit Kids to Love referrals frozen but CEO Lee Marshall said there is more than one way to give children clean, safe homes.

Santa's Workshop 2022 was so successful, Fostering Together had to rent a building to store toys for 2023. Photo: Fostering Together Gulf Coast Facebook page. Alabama News
Fostering Together Gulf Coast collecting toys for foster and adoptive families for Christmas

This Christmas, foster children in Alabama deserve to feel at home and celebrate with their foster families. That’s why one South Alabama non-profit is doing what it can to help make that happen.

Care net of chilton county Alabama News
Christian pregnancy center opening home in Chilton County for mothers in need

A maternity home will soon be available in Chilton County for expectant mothers in need.

San Francisco City Hall Alabama News
California considers lifting travel ban to Alabama over 2017 religious adoption protections law

A California legislator filed a bill last week lifting the state’s travel ban to 23 states including Alabama and creating a program to “encourage acceptance of the LGBTQ+ community.”

Adoption Alabama Alabama News
Adoption overhaul bill passes Alabama House of Representatives

The Alabama House of Representatives has approved a bill designed to overhaul the adoption process in the state after a four-year effort to revamp the state’s outdated adoption code.

Ginny Shaver Alabama News
State Rep. Shaver to make improving adoption process a priority in 2023

Adoption is slated to be a significant concern for the legislature in the 2023 regular session after a massive rewriting of the state’s adoption laws.  

Lifeline lifeline 2017 0344 1 scaled Alabama News
Lifeline: Pro-life Christian organization helps broken and struggling families

Herbie Newell was recently in Kansas, meeting with a real estate agent about a piece of property. When the man asked him what he did for a living, Newell told him.

Adoption Alabama Alabama News
After overturning of Roe, Alabama DHR addresses adoption process

Adoption has continued to be a significant discussion in the state after the striking down of Roe V. Wade.

FM Talk 1065 Alabama News
Ray Melick talks adoption in post-Roe Alabama on FM Talk 1065

Listen to 1819 News Editor-in-Chief Ray Melick on Midday Mobile with Sean Sullivan as they discuss the irrational domestic and foreign U.S. energy policy, Ukraine, adoption in post-Roe Alabama, and lowering the qualifications for teachers.

Adoption Alabama Alabama News
Adoption in Alabama: parents, agencies, lawmakers weigh in

With the striking down of Roe v. Wade, professionals in the industry are preparing for an increase of children as mothers may consider adoption instead of abortion. 

Collins510 Alabama News
State Rep. Collins calls for state to be more proactive in adoption process in wake of abortion ban

State Rep. Terri Collins (R-Decatur), the chief sponsor of the 2019 Human Life Protection Act, suggests the state improve upon its existing adoption resources and protocol.

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Adoptive mom uses medical knowledge to help children with special needs

From The Alabama Baptist   At a young age, Johnna Breland felt called to be a doctor, but as she grew up, that career never seemed...

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Tuberville speaks on adoption during National Adoption Month

By Craig Monger   U.S. Senator Tommy Tuberville (R-Alabama) has responded to Business Insider’s “danger” designation due to late disclosed...