A Montgomery Public School Board (MPS) board member recently joined the school system's superintendent in apologizing for the racially charged and inflammatory language used by keynote speaker Michael Eric Dyson during the system’s annual convocation.

1819 News reported on the comments made during the convocation, including a video that shows Dyson making frequent use of the n-word.

SEE: 'That’s Dr. N***** to you' — Montgomery superintendent apologizes for keynote speaker's offensive language at annual convocation

Dyson’s comments received mixed reactions from those in attendance, with many saying the remarks were uncomfortable and seemed to target white teachers in attendance.

It appears that only MPS school employees were present at the event, which was held at Alabama State University’s Dunn-Oliver Acadome. However, MPS school officials said Dyson was a surprise guest for the MPS Convocation. His appearance fee was arranged and paid for by provided donation, the amount of which was not disclosed.

MPS superintendent Melvin J. Brown sent out a mass email apologizing for Dyson’s comments.

On Thursday, District 5 MPS Board member Pamela Cloud also apologized, saying she and many others were not notified of any guest speakers.

“On Tuesday, August 6th, at the Dunn-Oliver Acadome, I was just as shocked as you all were. The MPS Convocation is always a time for teachers and administrators to come together along with Central Office Staff from the Leadership Center and the Montgomery Board,” Cloud said. “We were there with one another to be engaged and to inspire each other. However, that was taken away from you by one of the guest speakers. Many of you left deflated, insulated and your morale was shattered. Feeling less than is never what I, along with some other board members, want for you to feel.”

“Many of you are wondering, ‘Why would board members allow this to happen?’ Well, the answer is short and simple. Many of us were not made aware of who any of the guest speakers would be. There was no communication with many of us. I have been told there was a time when information about guest speakers was shared with board members," she continued. "Not anymore."

Cloud concluded her post by reassuring residents that Dyson’s comments were not indicative of the feelings of those in the city and MPS.

“Please remember there are countless people in the Montgomery Communities who appreciate you pouring love and learning into all of the students you were excited to welcome back today," she concluded. "What happened at convocation should not have happened. You deserve better than what you received on Tuesday. Please know that I will forever be regretful.”

To connect with the author of this story or to comment, email craig.monger@1819news.com.

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