Several Alabama Congressmen reacted after the latest Bureau of Economic Statistics report showed that inflation rose to seven percent in December. The Republican Congressmen blamed Biden Administration policies.

"Today, the latest Consumer Price Index numbers were revealed, confirming what any American buying gas, groceries, or other necessities already knows,” Congressman Barry Moore (R-AL02) said in a speech on the floor of Congress. “Over the past year, the CPI increased an astonishing seven percent. That’s the highest inflation rate in four decades. The last time we saw inflation like this, the University of Georgia football program had already begun its historic 40-plus year championship drought that only ended this week.”

Congressman Gary Palmer (R-AL06) said, “Inflation continues unabated. We can now see that it rose to an almost 40-year high in 2021. This is what failed economic policy and leadership look like.”

Congressman Mike Rogers (R-AL03) suggested that Biden was not concerned with the plight of the American people.

“Under President Biden, inflation reached a 40 year high last month and grocery stores have empty shelves,” Rogers said. “Meanwhile, the Biden administration seems completely unfazed by the hardships facing Americans.”

Congressman Mo Brooks (R-AL05) questioned if the President was even capable of doing his job.

“Joe Biden clearly lacks the mental or physical capacity to deal with our nation’s challenges,” Brooks said. “Skyrocketing prices are putting American families in dire financial straits. COVID-19 cases are drastically worse than when Biden took office despite his promise to end the pandemic. Anybody else missing President Trump right now like I am?"

"This catastrophe could have been headed off,” Moore said. “But last July, despite economists insisting it was a fantasy, the Biden administration brushed off inflation concerns as just a 'transitory' inconvenience. Of course, Biden – or at least his string-pullers – knew better, but he did not want the daunting economic realities facing American families to get in the way of his massive socialist tax-and-spend agenda. You don’t need an economics degree to know that trillions more in government spending will drive up inflation. Unfortunately, that’s exactly what we are seeing.”

Moore warned that as bad as inflation is now it would get worse if the President’s Build Back Better social spending agenda becomes law.

"But if Biden and House Democrats get their way and pass their harmful Build Back Better scheme with trillions more in spending, inflation will soar like never before,” Moore said. "Americans are suffering. We must defeat the Democratic agenda, restore fiscal sanity, and take meaningful steps to combat the record inflation crushing American families and businesses."

To see a video clip of Rep. Moore’s remarks.

Palmer said that the record-high inflation is partially responsible for the President’s sinking popularity which has dropped to as low as 33% in one recent poll by Quinnipiac University.

“This new low shouldn't be surprising. Americans' everyday lives have become demonstrably harder in the last year because of record inflation, soaring gas and grocery prices, rising crime, a national security and humanitarian crisis at the southern border, and the frantic and unscientific approach to COVID.” Palmer said. “Of course, Biden's approval ratings are plunging.”

The Quinnipiac University poll found that 33% of all 1,313 adults surveyed approve of Biden's job performance, while 53% disapprove. Ten percent did not offer an opinion.

When asked about inflation during Friday’s press briefing White House Press Secretary Jen Psaki defended the President’s handling of the economy.

“We have had record economic growth in this country,” Psaki said. “We have record low unemployment rates in this country. And we are getting out of a pandemic and the economic downturn tied to it at a rate that is faster than anyone thought would have happened.”

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