The past few years Democrats, leftists and liberals have really struggled with biology. They are utterly befuddled about gender, believing there are multiple options and to some apparently infinite alternatives as fevered imaginations conjure new perversions almost daily. They also believe one can change gender like changing underwear causing further anxiety when the irreversible consequences of dangerous drugs or surgical mutilation produce devastating depression rather than lasting contentment. Beyond all this nonsense and tragedy, the confusion seems to all come down to the definition of a woman.

Americans started realizing there were progressive screws loose in the Democrat Party when the trans-gender movement notions that men could be women went mainstream in leftist speech and thought. They came up with idiotic labels like “birthing person” instead of mother; like that slight of tongue could magically make a man be able to get pregnant. Men in heels and lipstick demanded pap smears. Democrats insisted boys could compete, pee and shower with the girls and that we put feminine hygiene products in the men’s room.

It’s sheer lunacy; it’s a basic denial of reality that starts at the top. During her confirmation hearings, Supreme Court Justice Ketanji Brown infamously claimed she could NOT define a woman. Therefore, it became official that the Democrat Party could not and would not define a woman as specifically female so as not to exclude or offend the cross-dressing degenerates that want to go to the bathroom with our daughters and granddaughters. So, when Democrats are faced with a real woman, like Senator Katie Britt, they shriek in horror and scream for their therapists.

In a stark contrast, the youngest Senator gave the State of the Union response to the oldest serving president and furthermore, she nailed him on the issues. She pointedly called out Biden’s myriad failed policies on border security and illegal immigration, the economy and inflation, energy, foreign policy and military decline. Without any cogent rebuttal to her accurate criticisms, the liberal Democrat response was “Who is this whiny girl?”

Britt delivering her remarks from her kitchen ignited snide vicious Democrat tirades that Republicans believed women belong in the kitchen. Britt clearly stated she was talking from her kitchen because that’s where her family like most families have difficult discussions about tough challenges, and America is facing too many difficulties under Biden. When President Ronald Reagan famously said: “All great change begins at the dinner table,” that was considered populist and wise, but if Britt says something similar, it’s somehow sexist? It’s a silly and stupid Democrat double standard when they have no answers.

During Britt’s speech, social media exploded with howls and memes about “The Handmaid’s Tale” or “The Stepford Wives,” both dystopian novels that insist women can only be devoted to their husbands and children if they are drugged, enslaved or tricked. In the liberal alternate reality, women covet careers not children; and marriage is patriarchal servitude, so a capable woman who embraces being a wife and mother is feminist blasphemy.

Democrats cannot comprehend much less tolerate a career woman who does not want the right to kill her children above all else in life and politics. They are flummoxed that an accomplished woman is comfortable in the Senate and the kitchen; and she still wants to be in the kitchen sometimes. A powerful woman who also embodies the quintessential roles of wife and mother proves men cannot be women, so Senator Katie Britt must be destroyed.

The only criticism of content comes from some pundit claiming her disturbing and sad tale of sex trafficking was from the Bush era not during the Biden Administration, so that somehow discounts her point. Does anyone think sex trafficking has stopped or even gotten better under Biden? Absolutely NOT! It’s demonstrably worse, so no matter when it happened the warning of that poor woman’s experience is still germane and important. How ridiculous is it to take the focus off the problem of sex trafficking because the victim is not recent? Britt’s incisive point still stands.

Democrats know Britt landed many good punches on the “dithering old president” and that they cannot deny her message, so they attack who she is and how she talks. Britt is a very feminine young woman who is somewhat girly when she talks, so what?! She is a girl! And it’s insanely hypocritical that Democrats love it when Dylan Mulvaney is girly but not when a real girl is girly.

After social media mercilessly mocked Britt, the entertainment industry piled on with vicious insults whenever they found a microphone. Hosting the hackneyed uninspiring Academy Awards, Jimmy Kimmel quipped that Emma Stone “played a woman with the brain of a child” in some unknown movie “like the woman who gave the SOTU rebuttal.” Aside from being plain mean, Kimmel like all leftists could not handle the message, so they attack the messenger. These people are not funny; they are just cowardly bullies. The only thing we learned is that Katie Britt is prettier than Scarlett Johansson.

Despite all the attacks by the cool kids, Britt stood her ground and stuck to her message in subsequent interviews because she was right; and hard-working Americans agree with her. Democrat and Hollywood leftists made each other laugh in their liberal bubbles, but their animosity and utter disdain for Britt just revealed that they don’t care anything about the issues average Americans care about and they simply loathe anyone who exemplifies traditional American values. Especially if that person is willing to speak out and stand for those values.

East and left coast elites smugly believe they showed that sassy southern lass she should stay in her kitchen, but they can’t understand Britt genuinely believes everything she said and is quite forceful and passionate about the issues that so dramatically affect average Americans. Britt connected with citizens across the heartland who love America and are deeply worried about our nation. Leftists laughed at her line about Americans “steeped in the blood of patriots” because they have no respect for this country, its principles, or those who built it, but average Americans honor our veterans and feel they owe a debt to the sacrifices of those who fought for us. The mainstream media and "Saturday Night Live" can pan Britt’s performance, but Americans know Britt is right on target. Her message resonated with voters, but Democrats obsessed with ad hominem attacks missed it.

Democrats can’t handle the truth, and they can’t handle a real woman.

“Who can find a virtuous and capable wife? She is more precious than rubies.” Proverbs 31:10

Pete Riehm is a conservative activist and columnist in south Alabama. Email him at or read all his columns at

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