We are all bearing witness to the most desperate attempt to gain votes man has ever seen. It is not unheard of for politicians to make campaign promises. But when do you recall such a focused effort on one demographic? The world is watching as the Harris-Walz campaign offers up the proverbial free lunch for black men. 

It’s shameful, it’s gross, and it insults the intelligence of black men everywhere. 

Let me start with a personal story. I spent seven years on staff with YoungLife ministries. It was the best job I ever had. One of the YoungLife mottos is “Jesus Christ for Every Kid,” but at one point I felt strongly that I wasn’t bridging some divides. Convicted, I made it a point of prayer. Then I went to see “Mrs. D,” a guidance counselor at one of the schools, for help. Mrs. D was a black woman, and as I sat down in her office, I said, “Mrs. D, I don’t feel like I’m doing a good job ministering to the black kids here at the school, and I don’t know how to fix it. Can you tell me what I need to do?” 

She just stared at me … hard … for what seemed like forever. Then she sat back in her chair and asked, “Can you be here tomorrow morning at 7:30?” 

“Uh, yes ma’am,” I stuttered.

“Good,” she said. “I’m going to have 20 of the young black leaders from the student body in the cafeteria at 7:30 and you’re going to tell them what you just told me.” 

The next morning, she introduced me to 20 black kids who listened respectfully, asked questions, and then went to class. Several started coming to YoungLife Club. Several went to camp. Several lives were changed, including mine. 

I didn’t promise them stuff. I didn’t give them anything more than my time and attention. But what started off awkward became real, built on relationships and trust. 

I didn’t solve all race relations in my community. But I have a frame of reference for the awkward divide that exists in society. I understand wanting to bridge that divide. But it can’t be fake. It has to be real. Bridging racial divides can only be done by real people building real relationships. 

Kamala Harris has no clue how to do that. 

The Harris-Walz campaign recently trotted out former President Barack Obama to scold young black men. The lack of support for Harris is “more pronounced with the brothers,” Obama said. Former State Rep. Vernon Jones, a black Republican from Georgia, asked, “If Kamala Harris can marry a White man, and pick a White man as her VP, then why can’t Black men elect a White President?” 

Obama’s scolding failed. Time to switch from the stick to the carrot. Time for some pander power. 

Harris became the panderer-in-chief, rolling out the most epic layer of fluff and nonsense ever wrought upon our nation. Kamala was proud to announce an “opportunity agenda” just for black men. Take note the campaign put this out as “Kamala Harris will create an Opportunity Agenda for Black Men.” I guess since Tim Walz is white his name can’t be attached to it … or something. 

Disregarding all women, including black, Asian, Native American, Pacific Islanders, Arabs, Asiatic tri-racials, eastern Mongolians, and just plain white folk, Kamala rolled out an epic five-point pandering plan to lure black men to her candidacy like some creepy miscreant offering candy to get kids in his van. 

What is this magic plan that turns the hearts of undecided black men into Kamala zealots? 

First, she offered money. One million “fully forgivable” loans up to $20,000 for black entrepreneurs. Well, that’s not a loan. That’s a bribe. There’s a difference. 

Next, she offered education, training, and mentorship that would lead to good-paying jobs for black men who wanted to become teachers — because we all know that skin color makes you a better teacher. 

Third, she promises to “protect cryptocurrency investments so Black men … know their money is safe.” I don’t even know how to address that one. I’m pretty sure she doesn’t either. 

Fourth, Harris will launch a national health initiative focused on black men. Never mind anyone else who might be ill or prone to sickness. 

Lastly, my personal favorite. In a nod to all things racist and weird, Kamala is going to make sure that black folk got weed. That’s right. She will “legalize recreational marijuana and create opportunities for Black Americans to succeed in this new industry.” The sitting Veep of these United States, who used to put people in jail for possession of marijuana, is going to personally make sure that all black folk know that if they want to smoke dope, this is indeed the land of the free and the home of the buzz. Veep Kamala is giving grants to open a pot shop. 

In one fell swoop Kamala Harris devolved the status of black men in America from intelligent contributors of all that the American dream stands for down to a despicable stereotype of poor, uneducated, unhealthy, dope smokers who don’t know how to manage their money without the government giving them a handout and shepherding their every move. 

She should be ashamed. But she’s not. She’s desperate. So, she will pander and demean an entire demographic to stay in power. 

Racial divides are only bridged by relationships coupled with a real and genuine desire to serve, not false hope, threats and pandering promises. Black voters are as smart as anyone else. They know when they are being played. 

Kamala is flexing her pander power, and it's backfiring.

To contact Phil or request him for a speaking engagement, go to www.rightsideradio.org. The views and opinions expressed here are those of the author and do not necessarily reflect the policy or position of 1819 News. To comment, please send an email with your name and contact information to Commentary@1819News.com.

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