State Auditor Andrew Sorrell of Muscle Shoals is also the chair of a Christian political action committee. In the latter capacity, he texted 102,654 of Alabama's African-American voters who always or almost always vote. 

Sorrell and the PAC sent them a message Monday about President Joe Biden's proclamation, issued from the White House on Good Friday, in which Biden proclaimed Easter Sunday, March 31, as "Transgender Day of Visibility."

RELATED: Alabama lawmakers blast Biden for proclamation making 'transgender day of visibility' fall on Easter Sunday

A larger percentage of black voters have been among the strongest supporters of Biden and the Democratic Party. Sorrell suggested Biden's sacrilegious proclamation may cause an exodus of black churchgoers out of the Biden camp.

"Countless African-Americans across Alabama attended church yesterday to celebrate Easter Sunday, not Joe Biden's Transgender Day of Visibility," Sorrell said. "It is important to point out that the Republican Party - not the Democrat Party - shares the Christian morals and Biblical values that most churchgoers, regardless of race, hold close."

Here is the text message sent to the Alabama black voters.

“Hi, this is Andrew with Alabama Christian Citizens. Joe Biden declared this Easter Sunday as ‘Transgender Day of Visibility.’ This shocking decision undermines all Christianity & the sacrifice of Jesus Christ. Easter is about God, not transgender lifestyles.

Please help defend Christian values by calling the National Democrat Party and telling them to return God to Resurrection Sunday. Contact them at 202-683-8000. Reply STOP to end.”

Sorrell said his decision to send the targeted text message was prompted by a New York Times poll released in March that showed former President Donald Trump currently holds almost 25% of the African-American voters compared to only 4% in October 2020.

Jim' Zig' Zeigler writes about Alabama's people, places, events, groups and prominent deaths. He is a former Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor. You can reach him for comments at

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