State Rep. Kenneth Paschal (R-Pelham) applauds the legislature's passage of his Parent Rights Protection Act legislation as the legislative session winds down.

House Bill 6 (HB6), sponsored by Paschal, codifies the Alabama Supreme Court's findings related to parents' fundamental rights in rearing their children.

Paschal's legislation ensures that Alabama recognizes parental rights as "fundamental rights," which cannot be taken away unless there is a "compelling reason" to do so, rather than "ordinary rights," which allow parental decisions to be overridden by state government more easily.

While a relatively innocuous piece of legislation, debate on the bill led to one of the most controversial moments of the legislative session.

During debate on the bill in the House, State Rep. Juandalynn Givan (D-Birmingham) started statewide drama by intimating that Paschal was an "n-word" by referencing a Jay-Z song.

Watch: Democrat State Rep. Givan cites Jay-Z song to refer to Alabama's lone black GOP lawmaker as an 'N-word' — 'You gon' always be one when you walk up in here'

Despite the controversy surrounding the bill, it passed the House with a vote of 87-8 and the Senate 35-0. Gov. Kay Ivey will have to give the bill her signature before becoming law.

"The Alabama Legislature has never before defined what level of protection parents have with regards to raising the children without government intervention," Paschal said. "My legislation, which now awaits Gov. Ivey's signature, is based upon long-standing precedents set by both the Alabama Supreme Court and the U.S. Supreme Court, and it ensures that the God-granted, decision-making power afforded to parents in raising their children is guaranteed, protected, and preserved."

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