This weekend, students from Alabama, Tennessee and Georgia united in Huntsville for the 4th annual Leadership Institute-Student Eagle Leadership Conference.

They started the weekend with a pool party on Friday evening. On Saturday morning, they delved into leadership training covering various topics such as the real nature of politics, political networking 101, membership recruitment and tabling, AI and social media branding, the art of public speaking, interview and salary discussions, election cycles, and digital grassroots activism. The training extended through Sunday afternoon, encompassing on-camera television and video training.

The collaboration between the Leadership Institute and Eagle Forum aims to cultivate and reinforce conservative values in young individuals.

Brady Johnson, a Student Eagle leader from Cullman, said, "I've always cared about the political issues that are facing our society, and I've always been comfortable talking about and sharing my beliefs when it comes to these issues. Although I cared a lot about these things, I never really knew how I could take action to influence other people's opinions and make a difference in my local community. The Student Eagle conference allowed me to connect with like-minded people I could work with to organize pro-life fundraisers in my local area. The speakers at the conference also gave me many great ideas for organizing political activism and recruiting new people to join our cause. Overall, the Student Eagle conference was an amazing experience, and I would absolutely recommend it. I am definitely going again next year!”

Eagle Forum of Alabama executive director Becky Gerritson invites those interested in joining the Student Eagles in Alabama to email Theresa Hubbard at

"We're always excited to welcome new members and share our passion for political activism and conservative values," Gerritson said.

Becky Gerritson is the executive director at Eagle Forum of Alabama.

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