An ad during the Super Bowl costs millions. In addition to businesses, ads were run by a variety of causes. One was “He Gets Us,” an extensive hundred-million-dollar ad campaign to portray Jesus as a social justice activist.
One Alabama pastor quickly spoke out against the ad.
Rev. Rick Patrick, pastor of First Baptist Church of Sylacauga, posted on his Facebook page Sunday, “The one hundred million dollar 'He Gets Us' Campaign doesn't exactly 'get Him.' Rather than connecting viewers with the Biblical portrayal of Jesus, they present Him as 'social justice activist' Jesus. Unfortunately, this distorts the impact of the gospel which weakens opposition to sinful attitudes and actions and can lead to compromise with sin. While part of this campaign may help challenge certain stereotypes, the end result is one that frankly misrepresents Jesus.”

“…frankly misrepresents Jesus.” Rick Patrick linked his comment to a comprehensive critique of the “He Gets Us” campaign by Natasha Crain. She is a former marketing instructor, Christian author and podcaster.
Crain says her “passion is to help Christians think more clearly about holding to a Biblical worldview in the midst of an increasingly challenging secular culture.”
Crain’s latest book is "Faithfully Different."
While “He Gets Us” has the advantage of one hundred million dollars in donations, proponents of the Biblically-based Jesus have to speak out the old-fashioned way – one church at a time. One convert at a time.
Maybe next year, a well-done Super Bowl ad could be scripted and put up by The Franklin Graham organization. Or the Southern Baptist Convention. Or some other basic Bible-believing organization. Can they do a special fundraiser and come up with the millions? Is it worth the cost, or is there a better way to reach folks?
Rick Patrick posted this emphatic comment: “One thing is clear. The 'He Gets Us' people don’t get us at all.”
Jim Zeigler is a former Alabama Public Service Commissioner and State Auditor. You can reach him for comments at
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