While Americans struggle with the disastrous effects of an effectively non-existent border under the Biden administration, our friends across the pond in the United Kingdom are dealing with their own immigration woes with widespread unrest breaking out in the streets following numerous stabbings.

A shocking attack occurred in the small seaside town of Southport, England where the 17-year-old son of Rwandan immigrants stabbed eleven young girls and two adults attending a “Taylor Swift” themed dance class. Three girls were killed, while other victims were left in critical condition. Handguns have been banned in the UK since 1997, so knives are the criminal’s weapon of choice in the king’s country, leaving law-abiding citizens defenseless.

The day after the stabbing attack, demonstrations and unrest started in Southport, and on July 31, more than 100 people were arrested in London.

Just like last November, when Ireland’s former prime minister responded to unrest after a Dublin stabbing attack by pledging to prioritize facial recognition software and ratchet up hate speech laws to punish those who express frustration with such attacks and the government policies that enable them, UK Prime Minister Keir Starmer has taken a cue from the same playbook. Ironically, left-wing Labour Party member Starmer is only the prime minister because millions of UK citizens opted to vote for Nigel Farage’s new Reform Party over the Conservative Party, largely because of the latter’s failures to stop mass immigration.

As riots now break out across the UK, it appears that infamous and controversial British Member of Parliament Enoch Powell (1912–1998) was right that unrelenting immigration in the UK would lead to ever-increasing violence and eventual civil war. So right, in fact, that UK citizens cannot even acknowledge the situation on social media without receiving a visit from the police.

While we Americans have our hands full with our own immigration problems, the scenes unfolding in the UK, unfortunately, do not appear very distant from our own shores. With the border czar herself, Vice President Kamala Harris, running for a promotion to chief executive, the prospect of Harris winning has the ghost of Enoch Powell sorrowfully echoing over my shoulder: “As I look ahead, I am filled with foreboding; like the Roman, I seem to see ‘the River Tiber foaming with much blood.’”

But, as President Trump’s fateful survival from his attempted assassination on July 13th teaches us, a simple turn of the head to look at the genuine problems facing us can save much bloodshed (chart which saved Trump’s life below). I pray that the West will turn and truly face the issue of mass immigration before there is no longer a West to do so.

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Talmadge Butts is Lead Staff Attorney for the Foundation for Moral Law (www.morallaw.org). Those with constitutional concerns may call the Foundation at (334) 262-1245 or email talmadge@morallaw.org.

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