The city of Sylacauga has come under the national microscope after citizens voicing concern over a recent influx of Haitian migrants were shut down in a recent city council meeting.

Two men who were in attendance at the council meeting that was abruptly cut short appeared on FNC's "Fox & Friends Weekend" on Saturday to discuss getting shut down while seeking answers regarding over 50 Haitian migrants getting dumped into the city.

David Phillips, who was at the podium asking questions as the microphone got cut, suggested on Saturday that the councilmembers "really didn't want to give the answers more than they didn't have the answers."

Bryan Taunton, a Republican challenging Sylacauga Mayor Jim Heigl for his position, was also at the meeting and said small towns across the United States were "not equipped" to handle an influx of migrants. He attributed the border crisis to the "failures" of the Biden-Harris administration's "failed immigration policy."

RELATED: Sylacauga Mayor Jim Heigl backtracks on earlier claim Ivey, Alabama federal delegation confirmed Haitian migrants 'legal' status

"The bottom line is this: We're not equipped to deal with this," Taunton explained. "Our city council and small town governments across the U.S. are not equipped to deal with this problem. Dave shouldn't even have had to be at that meeting to have this discussion. Our city council is not prepared to have this kind of discussion."

"We've all been caught flat-footed on this, and the bottom line is this falls back on a failed immigration policy of the Biden-Harris administration and the failures of Alejandro Mayorkas and Homeland Security," he added. "We should not be dealing with these issues, but we're being forced to. And we simply do not have the infrastructure to support them. And this is what Dave and others in our city are afraid of. These people have not been properly vetted, and they very well, I believe they are wonderful people, but many have been simply recruited into the United States by outside sources, and that comes with some major, major issues. But like I said, we look at what's happening in America, and we don't have the resources. We're already stretched out as a small community."

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