After the Stars and Stripes, the Liberty Bell is undoubtedly one of the most prominent symbols of America, along with Independence Hall, the Constitution, and other figures and representations of the American Revolution.
However, the official position of the National Parks Service, the keeper of Independence Hall (the State House), maintains that the Liberty Bell very likely did not ring on either July 4th or July 8th of 1776. The reasons given for this position are that there is no “official record” of the bell ringing on either day and that the State House Steeple was described as being “in a ruinous condition,” as early as 1772.
And yet, there is evidence from very trusted historical accounts that the bell was rung along with other bells in the city. John Adams himself wrote about the gathering on July 8th, 1776, where the great crowd came to the State House in Philadelphia to hear the Declaration of Independence proclaimed. “The Bells rung all Day, and almost all night,” Adams wrote. “Even the Chimers, Chimed away.”
The State House Bell in its timber frame (courtesy of Thomas Kaufmann)
That glorious day of celebration will see a great milestone — and likely just as much pomp and pageantry – next year as America celebrates 250 years of independence, liberty and freedom from the tyrannical rule of King George III and Great Britain.
Unfortunately, as we approach that great anniversary, claims of evil intent will likely continue to pile up against the founding fathers. Their association with the institution of slavery, suggesting that the very founding of America was morally wrong and illegitimate, will undoubtedly be principal among these claims.
Without a doubt, the tragedy of institutional slavery is a great stain upon America, a deep wound that is still healing and extremely sensitive to the touch. Even now, conscious, caring citizens deeply groan and weep over such inhumane and unjust treatment of their fellow man.
And yet, could it be that Providence was working through these imperfect men in the creation of a new government that would indeed live up to the maxim that “All Men are Created Equal,” a maxim realized only through the fire of conflict over time?
Perhaps there is a way to answer the aforementioned accusations simply by letting our revered Liberty Bell teach us, allegorically, about our republic's nation-building process.
For starters, when the bell was recast by Pass and Stow of Philadelphia, the bellmaker first created the mold for the bell in the casting pit. One might say that this action was analogous to the founding fathers creating the “mold” of the new republic, composed of the Declaration of Independence, the Articles of Confederation, the United States Constitution, and the Bill of Rights.
Second, once the bell’s mold was set, the fiery, hot, molten mixture of copper and tin was poured into it to fill the air space between the outer and inner mold, forming the bronze bell itself. This critical step of forging the bell is metaphorically likened to our nation experiencing the fire and pain of all the just and unjust conflicts in our nation’s plight – what’s often referred to as the “forging of a nation.”
Carrying up the steeple (courtesy of Thomas Kaufmann)
I wish to write with the greatest sensitivity concerning the tragedy, trauma and pain which has befallen our nation throughout its history. Indeed, this history may be likened to the searing, incendiary tempest of the molten mixture forming the bell within the mold, working against the mold, threatening to undo it – and yet, the mold of the State House Bell held together, resulting in the creation of our adored and special bell, known the world over. In like manner, our republic has held together for nearly two and a half centuries, enduring much in the way of severe tragedy, trial, and tribulation.
There can never be any such thing as a perfect form of government, just as there can never be any such thing as a perfectly cast bell, yet our highly honored Liberty Bell, bearing its signature crack, survives to this day, together with the Declaration of Independence, the Constitution, the Bill of Rights, and, our most beloved and treasured possession – “We the People.”
The “Great Experiment” continues – may the Liberty Bell always ring out for freedom in America!
Thomas Kaufmann is the author of Independence Bells of Philadelphia (Arcadia/History Press, 2022). He may be contacted at
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