It is illegal for a non-citizen to vote in a federal election. Those who do must be prosecuted to the full extent of the law. I have full confidence that should President Donald Trump be elected next month, he will prioritize deporting illegal immigrants who are found to vote in our elections. So why is the Biden administration fighting states that try to remove non-citizens from voting?

On Wednesday, Biden-Harris lawyers at the Department of Justice blocked the State of Alabama from doing just that.

The effort is only the latest in a systemic campaign by the Biden-Harris administration to block states from maintaining accurate voter logs before the 2024 election. I believe it is important that the American people know the efforts that our own government, under their leadership, is going to stop states from removing non-citizens who are registered to vote.

In July, House Republicans passed the Safeguard American Voter Eligibility (SAVE) Act, a new law that would require proof of citizenship to register to vote. This should be the first step in preventing non-citizen voting. Yet Chuck Schumer, Joe Biden and Kamala Harris have refused to even consider it, much less allow the Senate to vote.

Some states have attempted to take this into their own hands. Arizona, for example, passed a state law requiring citizenship proof when registering. But the DOJ sued. Luckily, even though the Biden administration argued against the citizenship proof at the Supreme Court, the Court upheld Arizona’s law.

In Alabama’s case, President Biden argues that states should use existing tools to “maintain the accuracy of voter rolls.”

Why then, when Alabama notified more than 3,000 likely non-citizens that they were ineligible to vote, did the Biden-Harris Department of Justice sue our state?

It gets even worse. Alabama has been fighting through roadblocks put up by the Biden administration. In March, Alabama Secretary of State Wes Allen testified before Sen. Britt that, he had asked “United States Citizenship and Immigration Services for a list of non-citizens so [the State] could cross-check our voter file….” The Biden-Harris administration refused.

Instead of helping ensure that illegal aliens are not registered to vote, the Biden-Harris administration sues states who try.

We all know that Biden’s disastrous open border policies make this election uniquely vulnerable to non-citizens voting in our elections. The simple fact is that the federal government under Biden and Harris has no interest in preventing non-citizens from voting.

The American people are sick and tired of being constantly lied to by Biden, Harris and radical Democrats. They claim it is impossible for non-citizens to vote in elections, but we all know that is simply not true.

The right to vote is a sacred right of every American. Any facilitation of a non-citizen voting in an American election dilutes the ability of our own citizens to be represented. We need Trump back in the White House to deport non-citizens who vote. And I have full confidence that he will do so on Day 1.

Congressman Dale W. Strong represents the Fifth District of Alabama and is a member of the House Armed Services, Homeland Security, and Science, Space and Technology Committees.

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