Since 2022, Moms for Liberty has been fighting to protect children in Alabama from harmful ideologies being spread in schools and libraries. From pornographic books to boys playing in girls' sports, Moms for Liberty has been on the front lines pushing back against the Biden administration’s woke agenda.

Two Alabama MoL chapter leaders, Emily Jones and Rebecca Watson, joined “1819 News: The Podcast” to discuss the war of children’s minds and how they and other parents are fighting back.

The two began by highlighting the Biden administration’s proposed changes to Title IX that will go into effect on August 1. The new rules will add gender identity and sexual orientation to the list of federally protected groups, effectively erasing gender definitions.

“This is not about LGBTQ support or not support. This is about protecting our daughters and making sure that they have safe spaces,” Watson said. “And women in college, it's important. And these men, they do not have to even dress like a woman. They can just claim it and walk right in. And so it's an agenda that has gone way too far. And we need to stop it.

Jones added, “It's time to unify.”

While Alabama lawmakers have worked to remove divisive concepts like CRT (critical race theory) and DEI (diversity, equity and inclusion) from the classroom, Watson and Jones said parents need to be wary of schools’ continued focus on social-emotional learning, which can make issues worse instead of better.

“We constantly fixate on emotions, and we're turning kids into narcissists. They can't function,” Jones said. “They're afraid to go outside, because what if I fail? I can't fail. I don't know how to fail. I don't know how to... They can't function.”

She said Alabama is one of the few states where parents can opt out of individualized counseling, but apparently, the state still requires other forms of group therapy.

“It's called rumination, where you continually want these children to focus on their feelings. And their feelings dictate how they behave. And that is not real life,” Watson continued.

“[W]e're not doing our kids any favors. And we need to stop pushing suicide and anxiety and depression into their precious little brains where they don't need to be thinking about that. And there are kids that do need help. And for those kids, they do have counseling services outside of the classroom. But when I send my kids to school, they're there to learn.”

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