Our pastor reminded us in his sermon this morning that our nation is facing a crisis of sin and a problem of the heart. I am angry and sad for our country and the direction it is heading. Our society has completely lost sight of the Christian, American values that have made us great, and many have decided to accept, endorse, and encourage sin. Hear me say this: every one of us - Republicans and Democrats alike - are sinners. As Romans 3:23 notes, we have all “sinned and fallen short of the glory of God.”

But the radical left in this country has declared a jihadist-style attack on traditional Christian values. They have orchestrated an assault on the American family through abortion on demand, grooming children and mutilating them through transgender surgeries, normalizing drag queens, placing pornography in children’s sections of libraries, villainizing law enforcement officers, and disrespecting our military.

The rhetoric from the radical left is a big part of the problem. Instead of focusing on policy, the radical left and their allies in the partisan media decided to demonize and destroy President Trump. Instead of working towards solutions that impact everyday Americans, they tried to bankrupt President Trump and put him in jail. President Biden told supporters just last week that “it’s time to put Trump in a bullseye,” and this language trickles down through their ranks with a senior aide to a liberal congressman posting that the shooter should “get you some shooting lessons so you don’t miss next time.”

The contrast in values is as obvious as the sun in the sky. Last night, there were no riots, no burnings, no smashed windows. There were just sad, angry, and concerned Americans. The problem is the radical left’s agenda. What caused this was evil, and the radical left’s agenda is evil incarnate.

I pray for the innocent Trump supporters who were killed and wounded and for the grieving families they leave behind. I pray for all who were impacted by yesterday’s tragic events in Pennsylvania and for the federal, state, and local law enforcement officers and first responders who answered the call of duty. I pray that our nation rediscovers its moral compass and once again embraces our national motto - “In God We Trust.” And I pray for President Trump. Please join me in doing the same.

Will Ainsworth is the Lieutenant Governor of Alabama.

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