
  • Half of the state is emerging today from a winter storm shutdown
  • AG Marshall talks about the VCAP law being cleared for implementation
  • An out of state endorsement is given for Dick Brewbaker for District 2 race
  • Auburn coach Bruce Pearl says MSNBC acting like dictators over Trump speech
  • AL congressional delegates congratulate Trump on his win of Iowa


  • US Navy Seals intercept a vessel full of missiles built in Iran headed to Yemen
  • Entrance polls in Iowa show Trump's commanding lead with Evangelicals
  • Art dealer for Hunter Biden tells House committee that Joe was involved
  • Court divorce docs show GA attorney Nathan Wade received contempt of court
  • Former NIH director changes tune saying C19 Lab leak theory is plausible
  • Globalists hob nob in Switzerland and plan to subjugate the hoi polloi

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