Rise to the Moment of Truth Saturday, February 22, 2025


Alabama political news george washington Alabama News
Allen Keller: A Father's Day message from the father of our country

The 10 Commandments tell us to honor our fathers and mothers. If it’s beneficial to honor our parents, then it surely must also be so to grant such respect to the father of our nation?

Alabama political news historic gamblers Alabama News
Col. John Eidsmoe: Gambling’s connection to the dark side of American history

Gambling, we’re told, is part of the American tradition. From the lotteries of the American colonies to the riverboats and saloons of the Old West, America grew up on gambling. But is this true?

File 00c1aa0f 6a9a 44cf ae29 dccfab3d91fc Alabama News
Caleb Crosby: We must prevent government malpractice

You may have heard that George Washington – under the supervision of his three physicians – was bled in an attempt to alleviate a fever...