Rise to the Moment of Truth Saturday, February 22, 2025


Matt Clark Alabama News
Matt Clark: A good judge's bad call on Alabama's Child Protection Act

Nearly two centuries ago, Hans Christian Andersen wrote a proverbial tale that is worth revisiting frequently.

Store Closed Alabama News
Alabama Center for Law and Liberty adds plaintiffs in lockdown suit

The Alabama Center for Law and Liberty (ACLL) has added additional plaintiffs in the growing lawsuit stemming from Alabama’s COVID-19 lockdowns.

File 3f58f793 65f8 405b a3e5 3215518f01c2 Alabama News
Matt Clark: The Alabama Constitution likely requires "Constitutional Carry"

This session, one of the hottest debates on Goat Hill is whether Alabama should pass “constitutional carry,” which would allow the...

File 5fb77fe2 0522 4f49 8985 e4c4347ad0ae Alabama News
Supreme Court stays Congressional redistricting case

The U.S. Supreme Court, in a five to four ruling, has stayed a lower court ruling that the State of Alabama must draw new congressional...

File a13bb6d3 4208 4394 a9b8 332fa609805b Alabama News
Matt Clark: The Moore-Corfman case is far more important than you realize

This week, Leigh Corfman’s lawsuit against Roy Moore for defamation finally goes to trial. After Roy Moore, the two-time Chief Justice...

File ed0601ac 7a66 4942 bc56 c04be0cb9eca Alabama News
Judiciary Committee considers bill changing how bail is handled

A bill addressing posting bond in municipal court cases received a favorable report on Tuesday from the Alabama Senate Judiciary Committee....

File 58c48ff5 fe1c 4735 be48 3d99b30811af Alabama News
Matt Clark: A split decision on vaccines by the Supreme Court

On Thursday, the U.S. Supreme Court issued decisions in two vaccine-mandate cases: the OSHA case (which the Alabama Center for Law...

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Supreme Court Met Friday to Hear Vaccine Mandate Cases

  The U.S. Supreme Court meets Friday in special session to hear state challenges to President Joseph R. Biden’s (D) vaccine mandates....

File 2dc50e7a 0804 4962 990b 48cfeb2a41ff Alabama News
Matt Clark: A red flag for free speech

In the Old Testament, the Nation of Israel was conquered by Assyria because of hundreds of years of unrepentant idolatry. Its neighbor...

File 8c3b8613 3aad 47d2 9945 deda74057a91 Alabama News
Supreme Court to hear two vaccine mandate cases in early January

Next month, the U.S. Supreme Court will hear legal challenges to the Biden administration's employer vaccine mandates. The Court will...

File 0eac4bd7 0475 4e58 905d 0d620ea61ba3 Alabama News
An Alabama construction company appeals vaccine mandate to the Supreme Court

By Brandon Moseley The Alabama Center for Law and Liberty (ACLL) has asked the United States Supreme Court to stay President Joe Biden’s...

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Alabama Center for Law and Liberty to appeal court's decision allowing OSHA mandate

By Brandon Moseley Friday the Sixth Circuit Court of Appeals struck down a lower court ruling that had blocked President Joe Biden’s...

File dae8cf76 9f86 4598 b729 c8fc0b059172 Alabama News
Matt Clark: Don't give up on marriage

I’ve always respected people who refuse to give up. I had a great example of that growing up. My father had a very successful career....

File eddaf8e2 66c1 4e91 88c1 b79cb5caf58f Alabama News
Matt Clark: What to expect from the Supreme Court today

In 1973, the United States Supreme Court issued its worst decision of all time: Roe v. Wade. In a decision made not by the people’s...

File 789262e9 1203 4c4c a64d 13d131adbea9 Alabama News
Alabama officials react to U.S. Supreme Court case on abortion

By Brandon Moseley There is a fight to stop abortions before what is considered the “point of viability,” and the battle is in the...

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Employees seeking vaccine exemptions must fill out form

By Erica Thomas, Managing Editor The Alabama legislature passed a bill protecting employees from being terminated from their jobs for...

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Matt Clark: The Judiciary, where Biden's vaccine mandates will go to die

Last week, I had the honor of attending a Heritage Foundation event honoring Justice Clarence Thomas on his 30th anniversary of joining...

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