Rise to the Moment of Truth Tuesday, February 11, 2025


Alabama political news flowers Alabama News
Sean of the South: Little sister

My sister and I grew up hard. It wasn’t the kind of childhood depicted in Hallmark Channel movies.

Alabama political news lake martin sunset Alabama News
Sean of the South: Lake Martin

Childhood is nothing but a continual buzz. A non-stop adventure novel.

Alabama political news sunday dinner Alabama News
Sean of the South: Long live Sunday dinner

Please, Lord, don’t let us lose Sundays.

Alabama political news ice cream Alabama News
Sean of the South: Working nine to five

I don’t know much of anything. But I will tell you this: Find a way to help other people. For I am convinced, wholeheartedly, this is the only path to happiness. And if that doesn’t work, you can always try ice cream.

Alabama political news dog park Alabama News
Sean of the South: A walk in the dog park

The more I learn about people, the more I like my dogs.

Alabama political news little girls Alabama News
Sean of the South: Houseguests

My nieces have enough energy to power an average suburban electrical grid. They arrived in our driveway last night after spending upwards of six hours in the car. By the time they got here, they were not unlike compressed atomic matter contained in a jar, just waiting to explode.

Alabama political news bad day Alabama News
Sean of the South: About today

Someone once told me that tomorrow is a day with no mistakes in it.

Alabama political news tomatoes Alabama News
Sean of the South: The sandwich

Tomatoes from Geneva County, Alabama, are different from common varieties. They are superior tomatoes.

Alabama political news grandma Alabama News
Sean of the South: Grandma

No sooner had the old couple adopted the baby than Grandma began taking classes at a local community college to learn sign language. She brought the infant carrier into class with her. She fed her daughter during school hours.

Alabama political news little free library Alabama News
Sean of the South: Birmingham gal

You don’t forget kindness, no matter how small. You don’t forget your friends, no matter how close you were.

Alabama political news sick Alabama News
Sean of the South: Unseen things

You’re human. Sometimes you feel like you’re losing. Sometimes you feel overlooked and alone. Sometimes you talk to the sky and hope it will answer you. Sometimes you wonder if you’re going to make it. But it's going to be alright.

Alabama political news old men Alabama News
Sean of the South: Wise ole words

I asked a handful of friends for words of wisdom from elders in their lives. The rules were simple, the wisdom giver had to (a) be over 75, and (b) they had to be—technically—still alive.

ake martin Alabama News
Sean of the South: Lake Martin

Lake Martin is flat. Mirror flat. It is a perfect evening. The sun is low. The crickets are singing in full stereo. And I’m visiting with old ghosts.

Alabama political news boiled peanuts Alabama News
Sean of the South: Boiled

There truly is nothing better than a bulled pee-nut.

Alabama political news family dinner Alabama News
Sean of the South: How to save America

No, I don’t know how to save this country. I don’t know much about anything. But I know family dinners ain’t a bad place to start.

Resolutions Alabama News
Sean of the South: A few resolutions

I’m making changes this year. Little changes. The big changes never last. It’s little ones that stick.

Young Love Alabama News
Sean of the South: Dear Sean

“You don’t get married, because it’s the smart thing. You get married because a man is incomplete until he’s married.”

Pageant Alabama News
Sean of the South: The nativity

The manger was made of cardboard. It was stuffed with fresh hay. Genuine hay from the hardware store. The Christchild was a naked Cabbage Patch doll from Brianna Smith’s personal collection. Orange yarn for hair. Jesus was a redhead.

Santa Alabama News
Sean of the South: One day in the North Pole

Santa Claus? Thank God he lives. And he will continue to make glad the heart of childhood.

Depression Christmas Alabama News
Sean of the South: A hard Christmas

The old man wiped damp eyes and said words I’ll never forget: “Who needs a bike when you have love?”

Pecan Pie Alabama News
Sean of the South: Pecans

It wasn’t like he had done anything monumental, but the gesture meant so much. I suppose simply being noticed was the nicest thing anyone could have ever done for me.

Middle Aged Couple Alabama News
Sean of the South: Jamie, my Jamie

It was simply that she was the only woman he ever loved. And after a few decades of marriage, she still is.

Coke Alabama News
Sean of the South: Co-Cola and nuts

The students poured peanuts into their bottles. Messes were made. Bottles erupted on desks like Mount Saint Soft Drink. Everyone started to giggle.

Tux Alabama News
Sean of the South: A long way to Mobile

So he’s sitting on the hood of his ‘73 Piece Of Junkola when an old guy at the next pump notices there’s something odd about this kid. Namely, the kid is wearing a tux.

Angels Alabama News
Sean of the South: Angels in the outfield

Did you know that nearly eight out of every 10 Americans believe in angels? For the math challenged, that’s a whole dang lot of people. When it comes to global figures, seven out of 10 humans believe in angels.

Okay Alabama News
Sean of the South: Okay

Hundreds of years ago, when Choctaw Indians still lived on the Gulf Coast of Florida, Alabama, Louisiana, and Mississippi, they had a word in their language. It was a short word: Okeh.

Prayer 4 Alabama News
Sean of the South: One by one

And I want you to know that long ago, a woman once told me that if I counted my blessings, I would get meatloaf. I’m glad she made me do that.

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