Rise to the Moment of Truth Tuesday, February 11, 2025


File 4eb0258e c639 462b 946c 73d1559d8b71 Alabama News
Sean of the South: It's going to be alright

By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South  Remember when you were little? Remember how whenever you were sick your mother made chicken soup?...

File 4e52c7d5 12d7 4992 b55e 9561ceebf723 Alabama News
Sean of the South: Alabama trees

By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South  Somewhere in Alabama. A small town with a cute main street, lots of muddy trucks, and men who...

File 322daafc ee28 4200 83c8 8261cc6eac34 Alabama News
Sean of the South: The Soloist

By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South  I was eleven. I was invited to try out for the Christmas community choir. A lady visited our church...

File f2665868 44ae 434b bfb2 874d89e8d294 Alabama News
Sean of the South: Fire Fighters

By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South  The sky above Surry County, North Carolina, smells of burnt wood and heavy soot tonight. The atmosphere...

File 3c118cfe 14fa 42c7 af59 6c647601d0a3 Alabama News
Sean of the South: The Club

By Sean Dietrich, Sean of the South  The nursing home was done up for Thanksgiving. There were stuffed turkeys on bookshelves, twinkly...

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