State Rep. Chris England (D-Tuscaloosa) had a tense exchange with a Birmingham pastor during a public hearing over a bill that would codify definitions of man, woman, boy, girl, father, mother, male, female, and sex in Alabama law and allow local public entities to establish separate single-sex spaces or environments in certain circumstances.
State Rep. Susan DuBose (R-Hoover) told 1819 News on Monday morning that she intends to file a “Women’s Bill of Rights” (WBR) before next year’s legislative session begins.
The Alabama Campaign for Adolescent Sexual Health postponed a “Consent for Kids” fair on Saturday that was slated to have included “a gender creative fashion show, in which children can try on different clothes to explore self-expression.”
What’s Generation Z been up to lately? Here’s a wacko story for you: A student from the infamously liberal Oberlin College has written...