Rise to the Moment of Truth Saturday, February 22, 2025


Stephanie Holden Smith Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: Hope is not a COVID strategy

We’ve probably all heard the adage, “hope is not a strategy.” Books have been written on it, troops and teams have been motivated by it, parents and politicians have used it as a reason to create attainable goals and plan for the future. What we might not have seen or even imagined before is “hope” being used as both strategy and justification for a public health response to a worldwide pandemic.

Stephanie Holden Smith Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: A love of self, a love of state

Despite politically charged calls for packing the court, I don’t believe we’re witnessing a Constitutional crisis at all; recent SCOTUS rulings actually assert that our system works when judicial activism is left idling in the minority. That will work for people on both sides of the aisle if we have patience to let it. However, I do believe that what we’re witnessing is a crisis of a love of self and a love of statism.

Stephanie Holden Smith Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: You catch more flies with money

While politics are clearly and incontrovertibly relational, political campaigns have developed into something entirely different. In fact, the political campaign version of, “you can catch more flies with honey” must be, “you can catch more flies with money.”

Stephanie Holden Smith Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: These are not the saviors you're looking for

Sadly, too many of us spend our lives looking for something other than God to fill our longing for meaning: business, family, entertainment, and politics come to mind. But in relentlessly pursuing secular things that hold little eternal value, we remain unfulfilled and wonder why our lives never reach a state of satisfaction. There is no doubt that many people pursuing things other than God achieve a measure of “happiness” for a time: Fame. Comfort.  Status.  Pleasure.  Wealth.

Stephanie Holden Smith Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: Politics as a contact sport

People tend to make jokes and judgements about lawyers, politicians, and lobbyists being liars and/or living without personal scruples; politics does indeed seem to breed some more than capable fish-story-tellers. 

Stephanie Holden Smith Alabama News
Stephanie Holden Smith: Tribalism and citizenship

Aren’t individual liberty and freedom two of our most valuable and foundational tenants? What happened to life, liberty, and the pursuit of happiness? Are they now antiquated notions in an increasingly global society? We better hope not and we better advocate otherwise. Our republican principles have enabled the greatest political experiment in the history of civilization to succeed and the entire world is better for it.

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Guest Editorial: Once again, state educators show they don't believe parents should have a choice

Sen. Del Marsh filed and moved his school choice bill, dubbed the PCA (Parental Choice Act) last week. Unfortunately, the educational...

File 30c75678 9465 4dde af3d ee416ee6043b Alabama News
Guest Editorial: This perpetual state of emergency has forgotten 'we the people'

By Stephanie Holden Smith   The state of Alabama – our state - has been in a perpetual “state of emergency” since Governor Kay Ivey...

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