We must be careful how much we let our political tent grow, or to whom we hitch our wagons. The very people we see as rising figures championing a new conservative movement may well be wolves in sheep’s clothing.
All too often, those in the conservative movement who emphasize free markets and entrepreneurship forgo the necessary cultural preconditions to that.
Don’t let them get away with assuming your stupidity. Do what Trump finally did and start showing with your vote and your voice that you see through the crap.
Many pundits have stated that the nation is further to the right than it was circa 2020, based on President Trump’s emphatic victory. On the other side of the aisle – well, it’s difficult to know the left’s analysis of today’s America.
In the coming months, you will read pieces analyzing Trump's actions, observing trends in the conservative movement, and casting visions ahead into the next election cycles. But for now, be content with the present. The radical left is not in power, we are, and better days are ahead.
I’m going to put myself out there and call it now: Donald Trump is going to win the 2024 presidential election … and I don’t think it will be close.
This countercultural movement is rising because of a disposition among Southern schools catering to out-of-state students far more than its natives.
In case you hadn’t noticed, a former show-biz star, notable divorcé, assassination attempt target, and political outsider-turned President of the United States has occupied the news recently. I am, of course, talking about Ronald Reagan, but the parallels to the current Republican nominee for the White House are increasingly uncanny.
Will we appeal to whatever the left has established as the “new normal,” or will we appeal to an objective morality, a “more perfect” form of government? Will we appeal to the “spirit of the age,” or to God?
Across the board, the debate was disappointing, and I doubt it will affect the vote outcome.
Visiting Louisiana, two things struck me: I found that they focus a lot of their attention on local, seemingly unimportant politics, while their Christ-following community is far bolder and more consistently devoted than my experience in Alabama, generally speaking.
On Friday, independent candidate for president Robert F. Kennedy Jr. (RFK) announced he would drop out of the race and endorse Donald Trump for the high office. The move is widely understood to substantially help Trump’s campaign.
If the Trump campaign does not return to his original strategy, it will waste both the momentum gained and the unicorn of a political event in the assassination.