I’m going to put myself out there and call it now: Donald Trump is going to win the 2024 presidential election … and I don’t think it will be close.

I know how crazy that sounds, and that you’ve probably heard something similar from every Trump surrogate on Fox, but I really mean it. I am convinced that Trump will win by a relatively big margin in this election – relative to expectations, that is.

Obviously polling data helps inform my projection, and the polls look very promising for Trump. Given that his past two candidacies have seen poll numbers that drastically underestimated his actual electoral performance by multiple percentage points, and the current polls show him either slightly losing, tied, or even winning in most of the battleground states, his chances at victory seem very good, according to the data.

But, I understand, like many reading this, that there are lies, “darned” lies and statistics, so let me give you some evidence that you can take to the bank.

You know why I think Trump will win? Flip on CNN, MSNBC, ABC, or any other Democrat-dominated corporate media network. They are losing their minds.

I am writing this just 13 days from election day. In the last week or so, the media has completely scrambled to concoct a fourth quarter “October surprise” to damage Trump. That’s expected; anyone with eyes and a fair mind knows the media has had it out for Trump since he decided to enter politics on the right side of the aisle. But what indicates that he is winning is the absolutely ridiculous narratives they are trying to create to hinder his re-election.

In what was one of the most profound “man of the people” scenes, Trump recently visited a McDonald’s, where he learned how to work the French fry machine, even venturing to serve patrons their food from the drive-through window where he was met with surprised and appreciative faces.

Instead of recognizing this for what it is (an incredibly smart campaign move indicative of his good chances at winning), the media took to finding anything to diminish the positive effect of Trump’s visit. Media outlets described Trump’s visit as “staged” so that it would seem performative or rehearsed as if a former president and current candidate could just walk into a McDonald’s and start frying fries without some level of planning and security orchestration prior to coming. Stories were also published tarnishing the reputation of that McDonald’s franchise’s health score, while also highlighting Yelp reviews in an attempt to harm Trump’s campaign.

In another move that drew public criticism, 60 Minutes tactfully edited one of the few interviews Vice President Harris has done during her candidacy to make it look like she actually answered a question clearly and confidently, a task she has struggled to complete, to put it kindly. If anyone out there doesn’t think the media want Harris to win, I’d be curious about their thoughts on this clear sign of electioneering by one of the traditionally prized American news sources.

Finally, we come to today. As I was in the gym, jogging on the treadmill, I looked up at one of the television screens, each displaying different channels from ESPN, Food Network, Fox and CNN. The CNN one stuck out particularly, as in the middle of a news cycle that includes recent early voting numbers (which also look really good for team Trump), a boiling conflict in the Middle East, and the fact that the president of the United States no longer even cares to show his face in public, they were discussing some unsubstantiated claims that Trump made a reference to Adolf Hitler. Wow! I haven’t heard them make the Trump/Hitler comparison since – well, probably the last time he did something they didn’t like.

I tell you this not to make you angry at the media, although you have reason to be, but to show you that they are in full desperation mode. Harris even held a press conference to capitalize on the tired, worn-out narrative of “Nazi Trump.” They are grasping for straws right in front of the public, and they think Americans are stupid enough to fall for some last-minute campaign tricks to get Harris over the edge.

I know I’m sticking my neck out and risking my credibility with this bold prediction, and maybe my next article will necessitate an apology in the case that I am flat wrong. But, barring some shocking event that causes me to write again sometime in the next 13 days, this is the last thing you will hear from me until after Nov. 5th – Trump is going to win, whether you, me or anyone else likes or dislikes it.

Carter Ashcraft is a 21-year-old from Tuscaloosa, Ala., who is majoring in political science at the University of Alabama. You can contact him at carterashcraft12@gmail.com.

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