The fallout continues from President Joe Biden's disastrous debate performance on Thursday night. 

Democrats have started openly floating the idea of removing Biden, 81, from the party's presidential ticket at their August convention. It's unclear if that will actually happen or if Biden would agree to it. Biden's lackluster debate performance is also a gift to Republicans across the nation hoping to hold on to their narrow House majority and win back the presidency and Senate.

Caroleene Dobson, a Republican, is facing Shomari Figures, a Democrat, in the November general election to represent the second congressional district. The district is a rare swing district in Alabama where both parties have a realistic chance of winning after Alabama's congressional map was redrawn last year by a federal court.

"Last night exposed the lengths to which the Democratic Party will go to mislead our country — for months, they have downplayed the impact of inflation and misrepresented the mental fitness and competency of our sitting president," Dobson told 1819 News on Friday. "President Trump dismantled the disastrous policies of Joe Biden and Shomari Figures and reminded the American people what economic strength and safety look like."

"This is a clear case of strength versus weakness, and it's why District Two is in play for Republicans to solidify our majority. Under President Trump's leadership, Republicans will stop the flood of illegal immigrants, end skyrocketing inflation, fight crime in our communities, and restore our nation's respect around the globe," she added.

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