I have a firm belief in holding candidates and officeholders accountable for their words and actions. The Republican Party has long stood for conservative values, and to rebuild and strengthen those foundations, we must take a more resolute stance on accountability across the board.

There are some concerning developments this election cycle that cannot be ignored. Recently, some prominent figures, long associated with the GOP, have openly supported candidates outside the party. A group of more than 200 individuals who worked for former Presidents George H. W. Bush and George W. Bush, as well as senators like Mitt Romney and John McCain, signed onto a letter supporting the Democratic nominee. Notably, several public figures have even declared support for Vice President Harris, including:

  • Former Rep. Liz Cheney

  • Former Vice President Dick Cheney

  • Former Rep. Adam Kinzinger

  • Stephanie Grisham

  • Olivia Troye

  • Anthony Scaramucci

  • Former Georgia Lt. Gov. Geoff Duncan

  • Alberto Gonzales

  • 17 former staff members of President Ronald Reagan

  • William Webster

  • John Negroponte

  • Former Sen. Jeff Flake

  • Cassidy Hutchinson

  • Former Rep. Fred Upton

Where is the accountability? Why hasn’t the RNC taken action on those turning their backs on the party? Shouldn't party members stand by the values they profess, or at least respect the principles of the party they once served? While people are free to make their own choices, it is concerning when individuals long associated with the GOP begin moving away from its core values.

If the GOP is to stay true to its principles, we need to put a stronger emphasis on unity and fostering true conservative leadership at every level of government. This starts at the local level, with precinct and county committees, which are foundational components of the party. These grassroots efforts can build a more accountable and transparent GOP, rooted in the values that made the party strong in the first place.

We, the voters and the base of the party, are the true power behind the GOP. To reclaim the future of the party, we must focus on electing true conservatives in local offices. This foundation will make it easier to promote conservative values at state and federal levels, ensuring that the GOP remains a party that stands by its principles and the people.

It's time to reinforce our commitment to conservative values by nurturing strong leadership at the local level. By doing this, we can move forward with a party that stands united, accountable and committed to serving the people. Let’s build the GOP from the ground up and take pride in our shared mission.

Come Nov. 5th, the nation will cast and count their votes for a new administration. Our focus cannot waver after Election Day. The future of our country requires constant vigilance, and the next election effectively starts Nov. 6th, when attention turns to local government in many areas.

Local elections shape the decisions that impact our daily lives, and this is where we, as voters, can have the most direct influence. Begin by researching who is running for office in your community. Get to know their backgrounds, and don’t hesitate to ask tough questions – not only about local issues but also about how they view state and federal matters that trickle down to affect your neighborhood.

Consider key topics like taxation, election integrity, immigration, healthcare or any other issue that resonates with you and your family. The strength of our democracy depends on engaged citizens who demand accountability from every level of government.

Charles “Kip” Kiplinger, Vice President, North Central Alabama Republican Assembly.

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