Three years ago, on February 24, Russian President Vladimir Putin launched a full-scale invasion of Ukraine. Candidate Trump repeatedly said during the 2024 campaign that if elected, he would put an end to that war.
But he didn’t say how.
Now, President Trump is engaged in serious discussions with Putin to resolve this conflict. The world is on edge to learn their decision, none more than Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelenskyy, who has been excluded from the discussions. Understandably, he feels slighted, but possibly Trump felt he could accomplish more by negotiating with the Russian strongman alone.
In 2015, at the request of Ukrainian Christian leaders, I made two trips to Ukraine to lecture on principles of constitutional government for members of the Rada (parliament), Christian and civic organizations, a law school, and others. Two lecture tours don’t make me an expert on Ukraine, but they do give me some perspective.
The people I met were looking for alternatives. They abhorred Communism and Nazism, they didn’t want Russian authoritarianism, and they were not impressed with the democratic socialism of the European Union. So they looked beyond Western Europe to America.
I was impressed by the strong patriotism of the Ukrainian people – at least, those in Kiev and Western Ukraine. Vendors on the streets and in the underground subways sold bathroom tissue with Putin’s picture on the sheets. Traditional Ukrainian dress was everywhere, as well as pro-Ukrainian t-shirts and the blue and gold Ukrainian flags. In Maidan Square, the monuments to the martyrs of the 2014 Maidan Revolution who were gunned down by pro-Kremlin police were still fresh during my visit.
Ukraine was once part of Russia. In fact, when Rurik and his Viking Rus warriors came from Scandinavia down the Dnieper River in the mid-A.D. 800s to Kiev to establish the Rurikid Dynasty, Kiev became the capital of Russia. His descendant Vladimir the Great (A.D. 958-1015) united the Slavic tribes into the Russian kingdom and became its first Christian ruler. Ukraine declared its independence in 1918, but by 1922 it had been swallowed up by the Soviet Union. Ukraine chafed under Communist rule, and the 4-5 million deaths caused by the man-made Holodomor famine of 1932-33 embittered them further. Ukraine became independent when the Soviet Union imploded in 1989-91, and the vast majority of Ukrainians have no desire to be part of Russia.
Sentiments may differ in the Dunbar region, the Eastern oblasts (states) of Donetsk, Luhansk and Crimea. The people there are largely of Russian descent and speak mostly Russian. A referendum there showed strong support for secession from Ukraine, but it may have been a rigged election.
Using a pretense of support for these eastern oblasts, Putin annexed Crimea in 2014 and launched a full-scale invasion on Feb. 24, 2022. TV pundits predicted Ukraine would collapse within a week, but I said, “You don’t know these people. They fought pro-Russian police with bricks and stones (Why? Because they didn’t have guns!), and they will fight for Ukraine to the death.” Three years later, to the amazement of many, the war goes on. Zelenskyy has proven himself a resourceful and inspiring leader, and the Ukrainian military and people have been courageous and resourceful, but how much longer can he and his compatriots hold on?
What can Trump do to end this war? My guess is that Putin wishes he had never heard of Ukraine, but how can he withdraw without losing face? One possibility might be internationally-supervised elections in these eastern oblasts, giving voters three alternatives: (1) remain part of Ukraine; (2) become independent; or (3) become part of Russia. Three years ago, Ukrainian leaders would never have accepted that option, because those oblasts are part of Ukraine. But today, if they thought it necessary to save their country, they might.
Conservatives have been divided about American support for Ukraine. Some have asked why the United States should support a corrupt government, and I must admit, corruption in government has been endemic in parts of Eastern Europe. However, Zelenskyy was elected in 2019 on a campaign to clean up corruption and has worked to restore criminal liability for illegal enrichment and to strip lawmakers of legal immunity. But the war started shortly after he took office, so he really hasn’t had an opportunity to carry out his pledge.
Others say this war is none of our business, but I respectfully disagree. Before the Soviet Union dissolved, many of their nuclear weapons were in Ukraine. After the dissolution, Ukraine was left with those weapons and was, therefore, next to the United States and Russia, the world’s third-largest nuclear power. The United States and Great Britain twisted some arms and persuaded the Ukrainians to give up their nuclear weapons, in return for a firm promise by the United States and the United Kingdom that we would defend Ukraine if their country ever came under attack.
That promise is every bit as binding as the NATO agreement. I hope Trump can bring the war to an honorable conclusion, but until then, we are duty-bound to keep our word.
Colonel Eidsmoe serves as Professor of Constitutional Law for the Oak Brook College of Law & Government Policy, as Senior Counsel for the Foundation for Moral Law (, and as Pastor of Woodland Presbyterian Church ( of Notasulga. He may be contacted for speaking engagements at eidsmoeja@junocom.
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