The American people are sick and tired of Washington’s failure to govern responsibly. Congress has shirked its most fundamental duty for too long: to pass a budget. Instead, they’ve clung to the crutch of continuing resolutions (CRs), kicking the can down the road and ignoring the dire consequences of their actions. This reckless avoidance of passing regular appropriations bills has left our nation teetering on the brink of fiscal disaster – and it's time to say enough is enough.

We now stand burdened by a nearly $36 trillion debt, paying over $1 trillion annually in interest. For the first time in history, our interest payments now exceed defense spending, leaving our military strapped and our nation vulnerable. This is not just unsustainable – it’s an existential crisis of compounding proportions.

Congress must face the cold, hard truth: Government overspending is the number one reason we’ve been suffering through massive inflation. From gas pumps to grocery stores, hardworking Americans are paying the price for the federal government’s inability to rein in its out-of-control spending. If we allow CRs to become the default way of funding the government, they should at least include real spending cuts.

We cannot continue spending at the increased post-COVID rates. The time for tough decisions is now. If Congress can’t pass a budget, they must have the spine to trim the fat. Anything less is a betrayal to every American taxpayer and future generations.

But that’s not the only betrayal we’re facing. As dangerous as our fiscal crisis is, there’s an even more significant threat looming: the integrity of our elections. While we debate CRs, foreign and illegal alien interference in our electoral process could be the final nail in America’s coffin. If we lose control of our elections, we lose the very foundation of our republic. Recent polling shows over 51% of Americans are concerned with non-citizens voting in our elections, and it appears Democrats don’t see a problem with this.

That’s why if Congress insists on using another CR to keep the government open, it must demand that the Senate pass the SAVE Act (Safeguard American Voter Eligibility Act). Passed by the House this summer, the SAVE Act is critical legislation designed to safeguard our electoral process by ensuring that only legal U.S. citizens can vote in American elections. 

The SAVE Act establishes a framework that strengthens voter verification systems and prevents foreign nationals, illegal immigrants, and other non-citizens from participating in our elections. Doing so protects the integrity of the democratic process and ensures that each vote cast reflects the voice of a legitimate American voter. Allowing foreign nationals or illegal aliens to cast ballots in our elections is tantamount to giving away our sovereignty. We cannot allow that to happen. If we lose control of our elections, we lose our country.

Despite its importance, Senate Democrats have refused to take up the bill, blocking it from moving forward and delaying essential reforms. The House had the opportunity to include it in the recent CR, but the effort fell short. This fight is too important to give up, and Congress must now take decisive action. Attaching the SAVE Act to a spending bill or requiring its passage before approving further government funding is the best way to secure our elections.

Let’s be clear: only legal American citizens should be voting in American elections. This is not partisan but critical for our republic and national security. Failing to act allows vulnerabilities in our election system that could be exploited by those who do not have a right to influence our democratic processes.

In the name of fiscal and our country’s survival, no continuing resolution should be passed without significant cuts to spending or without securing our elections through the SAVE Act. If Congress refuses to get serious about the national debt or our election integrity, it’s time to SHUT IT DOWN. The American people deserve better than this endless cycle of irresponsibility and dysfunction. We must demand action – now – to protect our fiscal health and the sanctity of our elections.

This next election is critical. It is not just another political contest – it is a battle for the soul of our nation. We must demand that Congress start making tough decisions now, or we risk losing everything that makes America great. President Reagan once reminded us that “freedom ... is never more than one generation away from extinction.” Today, that generation is staring us in the face, and if we don’t act now, we will be the ones who let it slip away.

Congress, it’s time to act. Stop the reckless spending. Secure our elections. And if you can’t, then be prepared to face the consequences. Because if we don’t get it right, then shut it down. We deserve better. 

Gerrick Wilkins is an automotive consultant, former congressional candidate, and author of Unshackling Democracy: Embracing Term Limits, Empowering Citizens. Gerrick can be reached with comments at or learn more about his book at

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