In today’s political climate, the words “misinformation” and “disinformation” are frequently thrown around. It seems that anytime someone expresses a viewpoint that doesn’t align with the liberal agenda, these terms are quickly weaponized to silence dissent. Many fail to recognize that this constant labeling of opposing viewpoints as “misinformation” isn’t just rhetoric – it’s censorship. It’s a direct assault on the First Amendment, which remains the cornerstone of our constitutional republic. 

The First Amendment is the first for a reason. Our founding fathers understood that the ability to speak freely and question authority is fundamental to preserving liberty. Thomas Jefferson, one of the framers of our Constitution, wisely said, “The liberty of speaking and writing guards our other liberties.” Without the freedom to debate, express opinions, and challenge the status quo, the very fabric of our nation begins to unravel. Today, we find ourselves in an era where those liberties are increasingly under attack. 

The Weaponization of Misinformation 

The current climate of censorship often masquerades as a concern for public safety or truth. Liberals are quick to slap the “misinformation” label on any idea they disagree with, turning healthy debates into a battleground of silenced voices. We’ve seen it time and time again, particularly in recent years, with everything from COVID-19 policies to election integrity discussions. Anytime a viewpoint challenges the prevailing liberal narrative, it’s not engaged with; it’s dismissed as dangerous misinformation. This tactic is nothing short of censorship dressed in different clothes. 

What separates a free society from an authoritarian one is the ability to hear those ideas – even the ones we find foolish or offensive – and challenge them openly. Instead of shutting down conversations, we should engage in debate, presenting facts, counterarguments and perspectives. Isn’t that what a marketplace of ideas is all about? 

“Liberals claim to want to give a hearing to other views, but then are shocked and offended to discover that there are other views,” the great conservative thinker William F. Buckley Jr. once quipped. This sentiment is alive and well today. The left’s intolerance of dissenting voices, combined with the growing power of tech companies to control public discourse, has created a dangerous cocktail that threatens the very principles upon which this country was founded. 

Censorship by Proxy: The Role of Big Tech 

Social media platforms, which once promised to democratize speech, have become the gatekeepers of acceptable discourse. We now live in a world where a handful of tech companies, driven by political pressure, decide what is “truth” and “misinformation.” Instagram, Facebook and YouTube routinely silence individuals or remove content that doesn’t align with their policies. And let’s be honest – those policies almost always favor one side of the political spectrum. 

The left argues that these private companies can do as they please. However, when these companies become the de facto public square, where millions of Americans get their information and share their thoughts, they are no longer just private platforms. They now play the role of censors, actively deciding what ideas get airtime and what voices get silenced. This goes against the spirit of the First Amendment, which was designed to protect speech from the government and all forms of tyranny. 

Consider the case of Hunter Biden’s laptop – a story dismissed as “Russian disinformation” during the 2020 election, only for it to be later verified. Social media companies quickly suppressed the story or outright banned the New York Post from publishing it. The narrative was deemed “misinformation” before the facts were even known, and users were censored for merely discussing it. This wasn’t about protecting truth; it was about protecting a political agenda. 

Defending the Right to Be Wrong 

Remember that freedom of speech includes the freedom to say things others find wrong, offensive or even stupid. When we hear ideas we disagree with, the solution isn’t to shut them down – it’s to challenge them. “The best test of truth is the power of the thought to get itself accepted in the competition of the market,” Justice Oliver Wendell Holmes once said. When we allow speech to be freely expressed, the truth has the opportunity to rise above the noise. 

I remember this lesson from my upbringing: you may not always agree with what someone says, but you should defend their right to say it. This principle is at the heart of the First Amendment. If liberals genuinely believe in freedom and democracy, they should stop calling for censorship and instead engage in open, honest debate. 

A Founding Principle Under Attack 

Our founding fathers enshrined the First Amendment in the Bill of Rights because they knew that no other freedom could survive without freedom of speech. “Whoever would overthrow the Liberty of a Nation must begin by subduing the Freeness of Speech,” Benjamin Franklin warned. The current assault on speech through the manipulation of terms like “misinformation” and “disinformation” is just that – an attempt to subdue our liberty. 

When people are afraid to speak, when ideas are stifled before they can even be heard, we lose the essence of what makes America great. The First Amendment is not a partisan issue; it is the bedrock of our republic. It is the foundation upon which all other freedoms are built. Without it, our ability to discuss, disagree and grow as a nation is fundamentally compromised. 

Moving Forward: Protecting Free Speech 

It’s time we stop hiding behind labels and start having honest discussions. When someone says something you disagree with, don’t shut them down – engage with them. Bring your ideas to the table and let them compete in the marketplace of thought. If your ideas are true, they will stand on their own merit. And if they don’t, then maybe, just maybe, there’s something to learn from the other side. 

Let’s return to a culture that respects the First Amendment as our founders intended. We don’t need social media companies or the government to police our speech. We need the courage to defend the right of every American to speak their mind, even when we disagree. Let’s preserve the freedom that makes this country exceptional by standing firm against the growing tide of censorship. 

Gerrick Wilkins is an automotive consultant, former congressional candidate, and author of Unshackling Democracy: Embracing Term Limits, Empowering Citizens. Gerrick can be reached with comments at or learn more about his book at