U.S. House Speaker Mike Johnson (R-La.) endorsed Caroleene Dobson on Monday in her bid for Alabama's newly drawn second congressional district. 

Johnson's endorsement comes as Republicans defend a narrow majority in the U.S. House of Representatives in the 2024 election cycle.

"Caroleene Dobson represents the new ideas and commonsense solutions we need in Congress to address the problems our nation is facing, and I am proud to endorse her campaign," Johnson said. "She is committed to conservative policies that will put our country back on track and give families in Alabama and across our nation the economic relief and sense of security they deserve."

Dobson, a real estate attorney and first-time political candidate, is running against Shomari Figures, a Democrat, in the November 5 election. 

"Speaker Johnson's leadership has been essential to holding the Biden administration accountable and protecting American families from the pitfalls of bad policy as he steers the Republican party through a slim majority," Dobson said. "I am grateful for the support and endorsement of Speaker Johnson and look forward to joining him in Washington as another conservative vote, working to strengthen the House majority."

The district underwent redistricting last year after a federal court ruled that maps approved by the Alabama Legislature did not meet Voting Rights Act standards, potentially jeopardizing the Republican seat.

Recent polls indicate the race is highly competitive, with President Joe Biden and former President Donald Trump in a virtual tie in the district. 

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