April is Abortion Recovery Awareness Month, but the national news media will tell you nothing about this pivotal period where women come to terms with a past act of abortion and how it traumatized them.

Sara Dominguez of Heartbeat International explains this reality:

In a culture where abortion is framed as a ‘quick and easy’ solution to a ‘temporary problem’, we in the pregnancy help community know that regret is a common experience after an abortion. At times, the regret can be immediate leading women who have taken the first abortion pill to call the 24/7 Abortion Pill Rescue® Network to receive help and healing with the hope of continuing her pregnancy. For others, the experience of hurt and regret may emerge years after the abortion.

Priests for Life and its ministry “Rachel’s Vineyard” is another organization using this month to document the testimonials of women experiencing abortion regret and helping them heal from a past abortion.

But the legacy media is wholly intent on being unapologetic for child murder, telling women to “Shout Your Abortion,” while pairing the word abortion with “care” to make it more palatable and less brutal.

Since Democrats are choosing to make 2024 about abortion, Alabama is now Target Zero in their fight, as seen in a nonsensical ad campaign posted this week by Democratic California Gov. Gavin Newsom maligning and misrepresenting Alabama’s pro-life laws. Jim Zeigler explains:

Two things have enabled the national Democrat spinsters to make abortion access the issue and Alabama the target: Alabama’s strong pro-life laws post-Roe and the state court’s ruling on accountability for the wrongful death of a human embryo.

The Newsom ad and its negative portrayal of Alabama will make little to no difference inside Alabama on November 5. Still, the national Democrats have selected Alabama as the boogeyman. Alabama will be showcased nationally as an example of the kinds of things that may be done if Donald Trump is returned to the Oval Office.

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Newsom, the progressive champion and potential replacement for President Joe Biden on the Democrat ticket, hails from the same state which is suing the pro-life organization Heartbeat International for offering abortion pill reversal services. Democrat politicians in California love their culture of death, and will do all they can to maintain it, while condemning Alabama for its stance for life.

Alabama Republican Party Chair John Wahl condemned the ad as a “shameless political stunt,” but this ad requires not only condemnation, but pushback with the truth, particularly in this pivotal month.

According to Americans United for Life, Alabama boasts over 50 pregnancy resource centers. Choose Life Alabama offers an up-to-date listing of those centers according to region. Abortion Recovery Alabama, also known as “Scarlet2White,” offers programs and resources for those looking to heal from the pain of a past abortion.

The Democrats have glitzy ads and media buys telling lies about Alabama and its stance for life. It is up to Wahl, our elected officials, and others with a media presence to combat those lies and tout the resources and outreach done through the pro-life movement.

I had the opportunity to interview Frank Pavone, founder and president of Priests for Life, for another media outlet where I write extensively about pro-life issues and abortion. On that platform, I consistently state that Republicans and certain pro-life organization spokespersons are terrible at messaging. We allow the false narrative to stand because we do not promote and uphold the truth.

If Democrats and the left are going to try and use Alabama as a poster child to further their agenda, then Alabama needs to combat that narrative, promote the images of women healing and children living, and become much more vocal and consistent in promoting how its laws save children, give dignity to women, and further the culture of life across the spectrum.

While they are shouting their abortions, we need to get louder and shout life.

Jennifer Oliver O'Connell, As the Girl Turns, is an investigative journalist, author, opinion analyst, and contributor to 1819 News, Redstate, and other publications. Jennifer writes on Politics and Pop Culture, with occasional detours into Reinvention, Yoga, and Food. You can read more about Jennifer's world at her As the Girl Turns website. You can also follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram.

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