There once was an understanding – a code – within Western civilization, that we protect our children, especially our daughters. The entire transgender cult and the left’s refusal to define a woman has thrown that into disarray and disrepair. Now we are not only adrift, but we are exposing our girls and women to untold danger and significant harm.

Thursday’s display in the Women’s Boxing competition at the Paris Olympics is Exhibit A of danger and harm.

As 1819 News reported:

Social media was set ablaze on Thursday after a video from the 2024 Paris Olympics showed Algerian boxer Imane Khelif, who is competing in the female division, easily defeating a female opponent. The footage shows Italy's Angela Carini calling off the fight less than a minute after absorbing a hard punch from Khelif.

The status of Khelif's sex is ambiguous. Khelif does not identify as transgender. However, Khelif was stripped of several world championship medals in 2023 after the International Boxing Association (IBA) claimed Khelif and several others were ‘trying to pass themselves off as women.’ All the athletes were banned from the Women's World Championships in India and stripped of all medals.

But the IOC allowed this ambiguity to go forward.

The International Olympic Committee (IOC) said Khelif and Lin Yu-Ting of Taiwan, another boxer the IBA banned in 2023, met the criteria to compete in Paris. However, the IOC did not detail the criteria required to meet eligibility, so it's unclear what physiological and biochemical similarities Khelif has with either sex.

This feckless response by the IOC and their refusals to set clear standards for men’s and women’s competition has resulted in this:

The female interviewee’s response at the end of the video as she practically co-signs that men be allowed to beat up women in the name of progress, reflects how deeply embedded the indoctrination has become. By all means, let’s erase all distinctions of fairness, competition and safety. Let’s erase defined sexual distinctions that allowed Western civilization to prosper and continue.

It’s utter garbage and inherently dangerous.

It was not lost on many American women that this Olympics’ boxing debacle occurred on the same day that the Title IX rewrite went into effect.

The 1972 Title IX law prohibits sex discrimination in education. However, the Biden-Harris administration used administrative rule to revise the law, mandating that schools permit males to enter private spaces designated for females, while adding gender identity and sexual orientation to the list of federally protected groups. This completely redefines sexual harassment, exposing teachers and students to liability for using biologically accurate pronouns. Any schools who challenge these changes risk losing federal funding for failing to comply.

This rule and its reworking to accommodate mental illness is evil, and we see the ultimate result of such ambiguous and dictatorial policies in the face of Angela Carini after she threw in the towel and forfeited her dreams of a gold medal. Imagine that face on your daughter, your niece, your friend.

Alabama Attorney General Steve Marshall rightly sued the federal government for this overreach. Advocacy organizations like The Independent Women's Forum, Parents Defending Education and Speech First have also joined the suit, as well as attorneys general from other states. The 11th Circuit Court of Appeals granted Alabama an injunction against the implementation of Title IX as the lawsuit works its way through the courts, but the threat remains, and it is coming from within. It comes from our own government, which is supposed to promote the general welfare and secure the blessings of liberty, but instead is destroying the welfare of our women and girls, implementing restrictions on their liberties.

We have 93 days until the November election, and one political party has made it their aim to protect the rights of people who identify as transgender over the rights of women and girls. Their candidate’s campaign announcement was done in the presence of drag queens and transgenders, signaling what this new administration would stand for if elected.

If, as citizens, we do not agree with this mindset, we have two choices: Demand that this party’s candidate protect our women and daughters, or vote that party out of power.

That our federal government no longer works to protect our treasured heritage of girlhood and womanhood is a travesty. But this election will reflect just how much the American people accept this mentality or reject it outright.

Jennifer Oliver O'Connell, As the Girl Turns, is an investigative journalist, author, opinion analyst, and contributor to 1819 News, Redstate, and other publications. Jennifer writes on Politics and Pop Culture, with occasional detours into Reinvention, Yoga, and Food. You can read more about Jennifer's world at her As the Girl Turns website. You can also follow her on Facebook, Twitter, and Telegram.

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