During a Thursday interview on Huntsville WVNN radio's "The Dale Jackson Show," U.S. Sen. Katie Britt (R-Montgomery) accused the left of "effectively doing Iran's work for them."

Britt, who has been outspoken in her support of Israel in its ongoing war with Palestine, was asked about Iranian supreme leader Ayatollah Ali Khamenei commending American pro-Palestine protesters as being on the "right side of history."

"Let's start with the Ayatollah," Britt began. "The left is now effectively doing Iran's work for them. And when you have the supreme leader of Iran - the Ayatollah, who is the largest state sponsor of terrorism across the globe, and that terrorism is typically directed, obviously, at the United States of America and our allies."

She continued, "I mean, you look at the fact that Iran funds the Houthis. Iran funds Hezbollah. Iran funds Hamas. We look at since October 7, our troops have been attacked nearly 200 times, all funded by Iran, when you have the Ayatollah coming out and saying, 'Well done, college students and professors at American universities. We stand with you.' He said, remember after October 7, he said 'death to America' is not just a slogan - it is a policy ... if the left is not sitting there today and going, 'Uh oh, we've too far; we've lost our way,' then I don't know what will shake them because when I saw that last night that he was commending, standing with, encouraging, celebrating these American students and professors, I thought we have got a fundamental crack in the foundation of our nation and we must seal it immediately."

She went on to say that "good people" need to say "enough is enough" and declare Iran and standing with Iran is "evil."

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